Oneness and Self-Love in the Universe
The great mind that we occupy is the same as us. This is oneness. It is confused and it’s hurting. It has a self-love journey. So do we.
The great mind that we occupy is the same as us. This is oneness. It is confused and it’s hurting. It has a self-love journey. So do we.
Heartbreak can teach you about the ways that love comes from within you. Self-love and relationships are necessary for each other.
Do you always end up with your twin flame? The point isn’t a happy ending – it’s the lessons along the way.
Can you feel your twin flame’s energy presence? It may come in the night or you may feel it in your heart when you least expect it.
In ancient philosophy and wisdom, there has always been the concept of divine counterparts because it is part of the soul journey.
I’ve found that when I go looking for love out of a place of hurt or loneliness, it leads to undesirable outcomes.
You finally understand love because of your twin flame. But it’s not easy to be in a relationship with them. How do you approach love now?
We hear the term a lot, but what is “unconditional love”, anyway? It’s a spiritual thing. It’s when you transcend the physical realm.
To embrace the true idea of a twin flame, you must understand twin flames as a catalyst. This experience is meant to uproot your life.
You may feel that your twin flame obsession is making you crazy, but you have to find a way to handle it to rise above the experience.