Can You Feel Your Twin Flame’s Energy?
Can You Feel Your Twin Flame’s Energy?

Can You Feel Your Twin Flame’s Energy?

Image credit: Canva

How many times now have I heard about peoples’ twin flames who visit them when they’re lying in bed, filling them with a sense of great, overpowering love? I can’t count anymore. It’s beautiful and so inspiring every time I hear this story told in a new way. I didn’t personally experience this, but many people have become aware of their twin flame connection in this manner. Can you feel your twin flame like this?

The twin flame is a presence. Your divine counterpart is always “there” with you. We are all spirits on this plane and many others at the same time. Your spirit may travel without your awareness at times, and so can theirs. But sometimes, it can travel with intention.

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The stories I hear from countless twin flames are about the energy being familiar, loving, and overwhelming. A presence arrives in their bedrooms and makes itself known. This is a phenomenon that happens normally at night, but maybe that’s just because distractions are at a minimum at that time of day. Some people say the energy hovers, others say they can’t open their eyes but they feel it there, others talk about it being accompanied by a light, and still others report electronics such as lamps working spontaneously without being connected to power.

It’s often the spirit of someone known to the person being visited. But it can also be the energy coming at you from someone you loved long ago, someone who passed on to the next realm, or even a soul you’ve never (yet) met in this lifetime. Imagine meeting your divine counterpart in the spirit before you ever meet in the flesh!

Whatever it is, it teaches you that there is so much more beyond the physical level of existence. It shows how someone’s energy can seem so familiar that you’d even recognize it without their bodies nearby. You can feel love without the person saying it.

You’re connected to some people so closely that their energy is always somewhat “with” you. Your twin flame never left your side. You may feel their energy around at times, even when they are physically far away from you.

Twin Flames and the Love Story Within

Twin Flames and the Love Story Within is Available on Amazon!

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Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

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Learn to meditate with a mantra, heal your inner wounds, and understand your twin flame journey on a deeper level.