Real Twin Flame Union Is About You
It’s hard to come together with your twin flame, but the real union, and the point of the journey, is to be one with yourself.
It’s hard to come together with your twin flame, but the real union, and the point of the journey, is to be one with yourself.
You finally understand love because of your twin flame. But it’s not easy to be in a relationship with them. How do you approach love now?
It doesn’t matter if it’s a twin flame – what matters is what you do next. Wondering “Have I met my twin flame?” just means you’re awakening.
In any relationship, it seems like money should not get in the way of love. But with twin flames, it often prevents a beautiful union.
To embrace the true idea of a twin flame, you must understand twin flames as a catalyst. This experience is meant to uproot your life.
When you meet your twin flame and it all falls apart, you might want to know how to get them back. But the inner work is key.
As we meditate together and discuss our progress, we will also journal and share our greatest insights and start to heal our inner wounds.
You may feel that your twin flame obsession is making you crazy, but you have to find a way to handle it to rise above the experience.
Doing inner work when it comes to the twin flame journey takes a lot of courage. You have to be able to look deeply within and heal.
I’ve met with many twin flames over the past year and a half as a twin flame coach. I’ve noticed that most of them are extremely hot.