Does Everything Really Happen for a Reason?
Does Everything Really Happen for a Reason?

Does Everything Really Happen for a Reason?

There are no coincidences, you know

does everything really happen for a reason?
Image credit: Canva

Most people go through life thinking that things just “happen” to them and most occurrences are outside their control. They don’t believe in a God, or they do but they don’t trust in that God or really think about it most of the day, so they feel like they’re at the mercy of chance and circumstance. Stuff just happens, life unfolds, and as you resist believing in any type of higher power or order to the universe, your anger, anxiety, and frustration grow. You get mad at other people because you think they’re the source of all the bad stuff. Then, you forget how love works and that fear isn’t helping anyone. Life becomes dark.

When I began writing that paragraph, I didn’t expect it to turn so dark.

It’s all real, though, guys. Your depression and stress in life all root from your fear that things are totally and wildly out of ‘control’ and there’s no order to this existence. But I have good news for you: you can stop freaking out right now. There is nothing random going on here.

We have freewill, but there are things that are unavoidable, and anything you perceive as “bad” happening in the world is actually a grand opportunity for soul growth. Anything “good” you perceive as happening is an expression of divine love. Actually, it’s all an expression of divine love.

World war? Pandemics? Racial tension? It may seem random. It may seem cruel. But the world is one. Humanity is unified. We are all points of light in a great oneness. When conflict begins in the world, it is a manifestation of our great will to grow and evolve together to something higher as souls.

Calamity is the only way for all of the souls to move forward together.

Death isn’t the end. We know this. So, death isn’t the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing that can happen is that we are given an opportunity by the great universe to express courage, love, and understanding, but we chicken out and just “stay safe.”

Death isn’t the worst thing.

This is why I increasingly feel irritated when people tell me to “stay safe” as if it’s a kind thing to wish someone. I don’t want to stay safe! I want to expand and grow and take risks with my soul.

Spiritually, none of us should be “staying safe.” Please don’t stay safe, guys.

Your soul came to this existence because it was going to be wild, wonderful, and painful. There was no other way for you to experience all of this. So, why waste it by cowering in a spiritual corner? Get out there and do crazy and loving things. Take in all the miracles! Create miracles for others.

When you meet someone new, understand that they’re in your life for a reason. They bring a lesson. Embrace it.

When you experience hardship, know that some divine force has brought that to you as a gift so you can learn and grow. Then, as you develop wisdom on the Earth plane, you can transfer it to others. We must all grow together.

Everything is spiritual, nothing is random, and we must face what comes at us with strength.

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