Your Reality Is Nothing but an Illusion
Your Reality Is Nothing but an Illusion

Your Reality Is Nothing but an Illusion

You know nothing and nothing is as it seems

reality and illusion
Image credit: Canva

In the past year, I’ve meditated an awful lot and also taken strange journeys into the self. Nevermind all the details of how I know, but suffice it to say that the fabric of reality is thin. The world you know is not what you think. Somehow — who knows why or how — we have been mentally trained to accept reality as solid, stable, and constrained firmly by time and space.

Yet, time and space are illusions.

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The foundation of reality is the assumption that there are physical laws and natural constraints on our lives. But is this true?

This basic assumption about time and space is within your mind and constructed by your mind. Maybe you can figure out a way to live without it.

Quantum theory tells us that light can be a particle or a wave. This alone should wake you up to a higher level of consciousness. We begin to realize that we are made of light. Literally, light can be solid. I am no expert on quantum physics, but this basic component of its discoveries is enough for me.

We’re all made of light. Light creates our world — all the physical objects in it, as we perceive them.

We don’t need quantum physics to tell us that physical reality is an illusion. Anyone who’s ever experienced a high level of synchronicities can tell you that reality is not what we think. Life converges into perfect alignment when things are going our way. Seemingly “impossible” occurrences can pervade our lives. Sometimes we witness phenomena in nature that can’t possibly be a coincidence or even obey the laws of nature as we know them.

I want to tell you a few reasons to change your perception of reality right now.

Witnessing Miracles

I could certainly tell you about the miracles I’ve seen. I could list them out here. But instead, I’m calling on you to explore this through your own experience.

We’ve all experienced strange occurrences in our lives that made us stop and say, “That’s impossible!”. We’ve all witnessed some kind of violation of the so-called laws of nature. Call one of these to your mind. Think about it.

Have you ever seen a word or object that tells you that you’re on the right track? Ever experienced the presence of a dead relative? Have you ever had a really tough day and really needed some outcome to prevail, and your prayers are answered? Have you ever needed something really badly and a stranger appears out of nowhere to help you? Ever seen a rainbow or a shooting star at the exact right time?

If your answer is “no, I have never experienced anything like that,” then my answer to you is: I don’t believe you.

We have all experienced things. Miracles happen every day. They’re evidence — and often, reminders — that the reality we occupy isn’t as we think. There are forces at work that we don’t fully understand. There are things that don’t make “sense” by the rules of science.

Science is something human-made, so why would reality conform to it?

Miracles are a possibility at any moment of your life. I know that the ones I’ve witnessed really blow my mind. They take me out of my daily life and belief system to truly question the fabric of reality.

Amazing conclusions can be drawn from the acceptance of miracles.

Meditate to Truth

Another way to find out what’s really going on is to meditate. Look within. Get quiet. Get deep.

Why? Because you can determine reality pretty well from within. The knowledge you get from yourself is infallible, as long as you know how to cut through the programming and external ideas you’ve accumulated.

When you meditate, you realize that you can still be a person without your body. After a while, you understand that you’re boundless and infinite. The body is just a physical constraint on this physical plane. In meditation, you can begin to feel the edges of physical objects as they blur into each other, and understand that everything is one.

Things can start to make total sense when you meditate. The universe comes together. Revelations enter your wisdom.

Don’t take it from me. Try it yourself!

Physical reality seems pretty insignificant compared to the levels of consciousness you can attain through meditation.

You Are Consciousness

We are forms created out of pure consciousness.

Physical reality isn’t the base state of life. Things are manifested into the physical from a level of consciousness. Anything that you are is coming from your higher states of existence.

Anything that you perceive is a manifestation of consciousness, of which you play a part. You aren’t separate.

Physical reality is “real” only as far as you accept it to be. “Reality” is what you perceive. You create experiences.

You have creative energy flowing through your very being. Creative energy is what made you. Consciousness gave rise to you. All of the things that made you what you are can still be accessed. All you need to do is tap into your creative powers and stay focused on making life better.

Things can change. Reality is fluid and mutable. Don’t ever believe that you have no control over what’s going on. Don’t ever believe that things will stay the way they are.

And What Does This All Mean?

For one thing, this means you can stop worrying.

But also, you can start believing that anything is possible.

Understanding that reality isn’t at all what you’ve believed is liberating. You can be free from the assumptions that have held you captive all your life. You can start a whole new existence for yourself.

Miracles can happen at any moment, and you are connected to all of the reality around you through consciousness. Therefore, you can have the life you want — and you may just end up wanting the life you have.

You may stop wanting altogether, and find bliss in everything as it already is.

For, what is there to worry about anymore? What is there to want?