Make a Vision Board to Manifest Your Life
Make a Vision Board to Manifest Your Life

Make a Vision Board to Manifest Your Life

Use your creative skills to get real about your intentions.

manifest your life
Image created using Canva

There is no better way to begin to manifest your dreams and aspirations than with a vision board. They’re creative, visual, and make your intentions super clear. Why do you need to be clear on your intentions, you might ask? Well, sometimes we think we know what we want, but we really don’t. 

You may have a lot of things going on in your life, and not much time to sift through your desires internally. You might feel like you have a lot of desires floating around in your mind, but you haven’t organized those thoughts to nail down your priorities and current intentions. That’s why I recommend getting clear on your intentions using a vision board.

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Intentions need to be clear otherwise the universe can’t help you achieve your goals.

For your life to manifest, you must lay out exactly what you want. There must be clarity, and with that clarity, you will begin to feel like you deserve what you want. The road to your end goals will become far more clear.

I will walk you through how I have made vision boards. They worked for me, and maybe they’ll work for you. Trust me, everything I’ve asked for has come true. My goal is to impart this wisdom to you.

Astrologically Auspicious Times to Vision Board

Before you begin your vision board, it might be helpful to look at the astrological events happening right now. As I write this post, there is a solar eclipse coming up tomorrow. That’s why I chose to make a vision board today. Eclipses are great times of transformation and manifestation.

The last time I made a vision board was on the astrological “day of miracles” in January. This was a day known for its luck.

You don’t need to wait for such grand astrological events to make a vision board. Every month on the new moon, we have a chance to clear out the things that no longer serve us and start something new. Around that time every 28 days, you might find the right wave of energy that you can ride into the future, catching a wave of manifestation like you would with a surfboard.

Vision boards are surfboards in this way.

Pick a Few Things to Be Focused On

I like to start my vision board by focusing on three or four main things that I want. From there, other ideas may arise. But these few things will be my main focus, from which all other desires have their roots.

The last time I made a vision board, back in January, I chose to focus on:

  1. The Answer Will Come
  2. Manifest Abundance
  3. Radical Healing

These vision boards are yours and yours alone. No one can tell you what’s appropriate to ask for or to focus on. There is no boundary on your soul’s yearning.

From those three concepts, I chose to branch out into others that related to one of them, such as:

  • “be open to anything, literally anything”
  • “dream traveling”
  • “perfect health”
  • “enough to live well and do life’s work”
  • “awakening”
  • “empowering others”

Looking at these now, it’s amazing how they have all come into being during the past six months. Since I used the broader three concepts at first and got even more clear through the more specific desires, I was able to get super clear on my intentions.

Here’s an image of the vision board I made in January:

vision board to manifest
Vision board created using Canva

Using Canva

I recommend using some kind of digital creativity software to make your vision board, although there is nothing wrong with writing/drawing it on paper. 

I used Canva which is my favorite thing in the world. I just saved it as an image and sent it off to be printed out at my local photo printing pharmacy. Now I can have them in several sizes — I love using wallet-sized ones as bookmarks so that I can constantly be reminded of what I’m trying to manifest!

Adding the Visuals

After choosing a few things to focus on and their related desires, you are ready to make your visualized version of your vision board. You’ll need to add images so that you can start to truly imagine yourself having the things you want. 

When you imagine yourself living the life you want, that energy of knowing how it feels helps it come into being.

Images help our minds and our subtle energy to get really clear on our intentions. Words are great, but adding as much concrete detail as possible will give your manifestations more of the power they require.

So, figure out which visuals you’re seeing in your mind. Are you getting images of yourself sitting in a CEO’s chair? Are you seeing yourself on a beach with a cocktail? Do you simply see your bank account numbers climbing? Whatever is truly giving you glee is what you need to pin down. 

Maybe mere money isn’t exciting you, but you’re excited by the experiences you’ll have with that money. That’s the image you need to get clear on.

After all, life is just a bunch of experiences. You don’t truly have anything except experiences. Experiences are what you’re trying to manifest here, not physical objects.

Many images should come to you, and you should add these to your vision board alongside your words about your intentions and desires.

The idea is that it’s non-structured and non-linear. Your vision board is like your mind: many ideas and thoughts alongside each other. That’s why my vision boards are always slightly structured but have many ideas “floating” in them so that there is no hierarchy nor is there too much structure.

Here is the vision board I made today:

vision board to manifest 2
Vision board created using Canva

As you can see, I chose a few main ideas to focus on, some more specific desires layered upon those, and then found a ton of images that support and embody the experiences that I desire.

Does This Help You?

I hope you’ll try this and let me know if it helped you manifest your intentions. Life is too short to live in a mindset where life is out of your control. It’s all possible if you vision board it! 

Things will begin to happen for you.

Even if you think that manifestation isn’t a real thing, this exercise can still help you get clear on what you want, which is a truly liberating state of clarity. When we know what we want and we remind ourselves of it every day, it becomes effortless to make it all come true.

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably.” 

— Walt Disney