What Does Having a High Vibration Mean?
You are essentially an energy field. What does having a high vibration mean? It’s about elevating to new levels of consciousness.
You are essentially an energy field. What does having a high vibration mean? It’s about elevating to new levels of consciousness.
To be aligned with the universe, we must embrace our life purpose and inner longings. Your deepest soul desires need to be in sync.
When meditating, the most marvelous things happen to me that have healed me a great deal and made being human a little easier.
Dating is hard, and dating as a spiritual person is even harder. It’s rare to find anyone these days who is interested in a deep connection.
Doing inner work when it comes to the twin flame journey takes a lot of courage. You have to be able to look deeply within and heal.
To heal, the universe sends you exactly what you need. Relationships are mirrors and they hold the key to your breakthroughs.
I’ve met with many twin flames over the past year and a half as a twin flame coach. I’ve noticed that most of them are extremely hot.
It’s amazing how reality changes when your mindset changes. Here’s how you create your own reality with your mind.
Have you had one of these dreams about your twin flame? Twin flame dreams can tell you something about what’s going on at the spiritual level.
Whether you see it through the effects of the climate crisis or in everyday interactions, it’s clear that humanity is destroying itself.