What Happened After I Escaped My Emotionally Abusive Relationship
What Happened After I Escaped My Emotionally Abusive Relationship

What Happened After I Escaped My Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Surviving an emotionally abusive relationship helped me wake up to see that everything happened to help me learn and grow.

What Happened After I Escaped My Emotionally Abusive Relationship - I learned to survive
Photo by 张 嘴 on Unsplash

The abuse had gone on too long, but I hadn’t fully received the messages that had been sent by the universe, so I was thrown into the pain over and over. I hadn’t learned the lesson that was meant to be learned yet. I was in despair until I could take no more. Let me tell you the miracle that happened to me as a result of surviving an emotionally abusive relationship.

I was depressed, nearly suicidal, backed into a dark corner. And I saw the smile on his face. He was deriving pleasure from my pain.

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I called attention to it, and he refused to acknowledge it, threatening to leave me. So I allowed it. I allowed him to leave us alone.

The shred of remaining self-respect that I had took hold of me and forced myself out, with my four-year-old daughter, to start a new life. I cut ties.

Hard as it was to walk away from the life we’d built, the plans I had for the future, and the love I had for him despite his cruelty, it was obvious that it had to go forward.

Leaving an abusive relationship was like coming up for a breath of fresh air when I’d been suffocating for years.

A New Reality After Surviving An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

I had endured attacks on my self-worth, fear tactics, threats, gaslighting, verbal abuse, and emotional coldness for five years. Yet, I stayed because of the fear of being a single parent with a full-time job.

And in a pandemic, when children were home with their working parents it didn’t seem possible. But here we are.

As soon as he was out of my surroundings and his voice was not in my mind telling me I was worthless, the air was cleared, and I became aware of new things.

I felt a foreign, tiny force inside me that had been all but depleted. It was called my inner strength. I began to be nice to it, to help it grow up again.

My awareness was heightened so I could hear the messages that the universe had for me, loud and clear. Signs and symbols, like a turtle appearing in a garden, manifested in my trajectory to lead me to full awakening.

Surviving an emotionally abusive relationship led me to receive messages from the universe.

I found myself discovering the chakras for the first time in my life and reading about the conscious universe. All these things were aligned with how I’ve always thought about reality but had no confirmation of these hunches until 2020.

Cultivating the Awakening

I began to meditate. I had liberating experiences, like my third eye leading me down a whooshing tunnel and my spirit spinning itself out of my body.

I snapped awake to a view of life where I am merely a spirit inhabiting a body like a puppet, playing the role of a character.

The stillness and beauty of the universe presented itself to me when I could let go of fears and attachments as my pure spirit self. My heart was wide open.

The universe began sending me messages, giving me very clear insights about the pandemic, the election, and the future of humanity.

November was a rough month. I could see the end the whole time, but I was forced to sit on the sidelines watching it unfold. And this pandemic has more surprises in store for us, as does the election scene. But I didn’t write this post to give you psychic predictions.

The universe gave me truths about my personal life as well as the lives of all living things.

With my intuition in tune with what it had to say, I could see clearly what was going on at work, and what was coming, and a deep knowing that the events transpiring are just manifestations of the great moving love that holds up reality.

Jobs, relationships, money, luck, and misfortune are all mere surface manifestations of a great production of the universe’s energy, all that is here to solve something and to let love prevail. Nothing matters but love.

We aren’t here to live a comfortable, boring life where nothing ever happens. We are here to have our hearts broken and face economic hardships and contemplate death, because only by doing this will we all be lifted to a higher place.

My husband is to be thanked.

To end with a reflection on the beginning, my husband is to be thanked. He has chosen not to speak to me or our daughter for five months.

We don’t know if he’s dead or alive or where he is located now. And my open heart feels that hurt, but it also sees the deeper purpose in these events and the fact that he appeared in my life to push me to my awakening.

Without him, I wouldn’t be experiencing the most incredible awareness of the subtle energies and connectedness of reality. Without surviving an emotionally abusive relationship, how could I have achieved this?

Beyond any pain he caused, how can I not be grateful?