I’m White, But Spiritually, I Transcend Race
I’m White, But Spiritually, I Transcend Race

I’m White, But Spiritually, I Transcend Race

We’ve all lived many lives, so we should have more compassion

transcending race
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I am white. At least, I am right now — in this life. I believe we’ve all lived many lives, embodying different roles in many places and times. Once I embraced this, it was immediately obvious that I’ve been humans of many races. And trust me, when you understand that you’ve probably embodied male and female and every race, a door opens to complete compassion for all of humanity. There’s no room for bigotry anymore.

When you understand life as a manifestation of your soul into a physical form, you begin to let go of attachments to all the things which you thought defined you. Having an ego is good in many ways because it gives us the ability to live life as an individual, but often we get too attached to the roles we are playing here. We forget that these things aren’t us. I’m white, I’m a single mom, I’m American, and I am from a middle-class family, but none of these things are really me. It doesn’t define me if I am a CEO of a big tech company or a fisherman in Japan. My achievements are fleeting. I’m a soul, primarily.

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I take my karma and my relationships with me from life to life, and that is all.

Beyond our egos, we are souls, and beyond these individual souls, we are a collective consciousness. So, why did we ever get into this idea of “us vs. them”?

Having lived all these lives, how is it possible that there is so much hate in this world? I may have been in ancient Egypt, pre-Colombian North America, South Africa with the earliest humans, or in India at an ashram. I have experienced so much, though I can’t recall it like I can remember this life’s experiences. Knowing this, I will not view other humans as “them” because we are all in this life together. I have possibly been in their shoes — many times.

None of us are really separate. We are each other.

Compassion is a necessary and natural consequence of seeing ourselves as incarnate spiritual beings that have lived many times. You can’t embrace bigotry as long as you stay aware of your oneness with all of mankind. Looking down on a person of another race is absolutely ridiculous when you understand your true nature.