I’ve Learned to Receive Messages From Spirit Guides
I’ve Learned to Receive Messages From Spirit Guides

I’ve Learned to Receive Messages From Spirit Guides

The signs from the universe will be obvious to you if you just tune in

signs from the universe
Photo by Celeste Horrocks on Unsplash

“One of your ancestors from Europe is watching over you,” said a woman to me when I was 19 years old, working at a chocolate store in Union Station in DC. She was buying a truffle from me, wearing a woven scarf, and looked at me with complete calm and sincerity. I was bewildered. I didn’t think that we could receive signs from the universe guides back then.

I went home and called my grandmother, and she speculated about who in the family it could be. I felt strongly that it was someone from her father’s side. It was just a feeling.

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Since then, years later, I have now become very familiar with these ‘feelings’. When I have them, what used to seem like a hunch now seems like a complete certainty.

I’ve learned to receive messages from my spirit guides, my ‘third eye’, my intuition — the eye I have into the realm of knowledge that logic and science cannot explain.

Anyone can receive messages from the universe. All you have to do is open yourself to it. The more you meditate, become aware, and tune into the energy around you, the more clear the messages will become. There are some things I’ve listed here to help you open yourself to the messages.

Nothing is a Coincidence

It’s hard to let go of the idea that the world you experience is dead, random, and meaningless. Growing up, this is what we learn.

We live in a universe teeming with energies, and we take part in it, yet we deny this all the time. It interacts with us, and it is affected by our energy.

Once you let go of the idea you were probably raised to believe — that ‘weird’ things that happen are coincidences — you’ll be ready to receive the messages that have probably been lost on you for your entire life.

Have you heard a voice sometimes when you are the only one hearing it? Have you seen the future coming, but denied it because you think there’s no such thing as clairvoyance?

Do you dismiss weird occurrences and instead, try to explain them logically?

Most people block out their intuition because it doesn’t make sense in the world they are used to. Don’t be like them.

Animals Carry Messages

Early on, the messages I was used to receiving were always in the form of animals. I’ve come to view animals as spirits that are embodying qualities they want you to examine.

If a bluebird lands on your shoulder and flies away, you are feeling freedom or about to take off. If you see a dead raccoon, then something clever and beautiful has died in you.

All you have to do is look closely at what’s going on.

Crows have always been very interesting to me. Their behavior can always be interpreted, and I often think it is an omen. Crows that surround you in the trees are definitely trying to make you aware of something. But they can also embody good energy.

Just after the US election, when the sides were clashing hard and before they announced the results, I saw two crows chasing off a hawk. I was in a park and I noticed a hawk trying to land in a tree, and the crows aggressively showed the hawk that there was no way a big predator was going to move into their territory.

When I saw that, I knew it was a sign that the people will take back what is theirs and finally get rid of oppressors.

This past summer, when my husband abandoned me and I was feeling hurt and vulnerable, I found a turtle in my parents’ suburban garden. In my 37 years of experience with that house, we had never seen a wild turtle wandering around. It was truly “out of the blue”.

I know the turtle crossed my path that day to show me that I am strong; I have a tough shell, and I will endure.

Numbers Have Meaning

I have finally opened myself to numerology.

Numerology is the reading of numbers that seem repetitive and coincidental. But we no longer believe in coincidences, do we?

The universe takes care of us. It sends us messages in the hardest of times when we are lost or worried. And these messages can be in the form of numbers.

Open yourself to the idea that clocks, odometers, street numbers, and Medium stats can be messages for you.

You may feel you just happened to see that number — but it drew you to it on purpose.

I saw the number 555 yesterday, and as soon as I googled what that meant in numerology, it was obvious. Higher beings are trying to tell me I am on the right path. And I received that message loud and clear. The signs from the universe are broadcasted and I am tuned in.

At a slightly earlier time in my life, I would have just ignored it, but I know that the things my attention lands on are never random.

Do You Get Chills?

When I started reading about the meaning of the number 555, my entire body began tingling. It is a feeling I have often when something important is being called to my awareness. It happens when something foretelling occurs. I call it “the chills” but it also feels like a grand spinning of my energies. Science will never be able to explain this feeling of certainty originating in signs from the universe, but nevertheless, it is real knowledge.

I felt it when I read that Kamala Harris would be Biden’s running mate. I feel it when I am thinking about something that is in true alignment with the universal consciousness.

It tells me when I am tapping into my intuition very clearly. Pay attention to the chills you get.

Learn to Read the Signs from the Universe

Learn to trust your intuition, and you will open yourself to a beautiful life rich with purpose and meaning. The universe and those higher beings are trying to give you the knowledge, and trying to download truths to you. You just have to be open to it.