How to Discover and Align with Your Soul Purpose
How to Discover and Align with Your Soul Purpose

How to Discover and Align with Your Soul Purpose

The universe will make sure that things work out

discover your soul purpose
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“What the hell am I doing? I must be crazy,” I thought when I first began this journey. I already changed careers twice, from boring office work to teaching and then to software engineering. Why on earth would I change again now, starting from ground zero again, especially when I am now a single mom with mouths to feed? “This might not work, but I have to try,” I told myself.

That was at the very beginning before I learned the ways of the world. Even though that was less than a year ago, it was when I still thought people were morons who spoke about “manifesting your dreams and I still thought the world was cruel, random, and everything was separate.

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That was before I understood that when we find our soul’s deepest purpose and align with it, the world makes way for our work to unfold. It doesn’t matter how silly or crazy it sounds. You might realize that you are supposed to be a birthday party clown. This may be your way of serving others deeply. It may fulfill your soul in ways that other people can’t possibly understand. Once you quit your job on Wall Street to become a full-time birthday party clown, the universe will undoubtedly clear your way to fulfill your destiny.

Let me explain to you how the world can open up to you with all kinds of possibilities that you can’t currently dream of. Give me a few minutes of your time to teach you how to live a happy and fulfilled life, doing work that you truly love because it is one with you.

De-Programming the Lies

You may not believe it, but you can manifest your dreams when your dreams are aligned with your soul’s purpose. It’s true and it’s all real. There are countless stories of this happening, but it’s hard for most people to believe. Why? Because they are afraid to blindly trust.

We are so used to depending on external events and circumstances in the world for our happiness and security that we forgot to listen inside us. We’re told that the only way to be happy and successful is to have millions of dollars, a family, a house, a car, and vacations every year at five-star hotels. This is ingrained in us from childhood by the media, school, our parents, and billboards.

You have to literally de-program yourself to even get to your inner purpose, let alone to allow yourself to trust it.

Through deep inner listening, you can bypass the programming and hear your true voice. It’s in there. Trust me. It may have been silenced, but it’s still there. I listen to it in meditation, and when I did meditation daily for months, I began to hear it all the time. (I hear it right now, telling me what to type here so that I can fulfill my purpose in helping other souls grow.)

Get to that true you. Find it. Then you’re ready to jump into the next step: blind faith.

Trust the Universe

When you’re at the beginning of this journey, it is no different from standing on the edge of a precipice looking into the vastness and where you might fall and break yourself, wondering if you should really jump.

Yes, you should jump.

If you don’t jump, you will be worse off — not just because you’ll always wonder what would have happened, but also because the universe will catch you.

This is blind faith.

It is blind because you are not using your senses to get confirmation anymore — you are purely trusting your intuition, your gut, and your inner voice. For our whole lives, society has told us to reason through our decisions based on knowledge from the senses. So, it feels very scary to make a conclusion based on something inside you.

Don’t be scared.

Just jump.

The universe will catch you as you’re freefalling, and you already know this. Your fears are coming from your programming, not from your inner truth. This world isn’t as scary as you think, as you’re about to find out. It’ll work with you until you reach your destiny.

Things Begin to Happen

Once you are a bit further down the road, way past jumping, you’ll begin to see things working out in your favor. By keeping a positive mindset and staying with your beliefs, not allowing the doubts to creep in, you will attract the energy, of which there is an infinite amount, and things will unfold before you to help you walk your path.

You may find yourself in a weird place between the jumping and the success where you feel like you’re just waiting, but don’t doubt yourself. You’re halfway there or further. You just don’t know it yet. You don’t know what’s going on outside your perspective, behind the scenes, that is working in your favor. As a good friend once told me: “Just when you think things aren’t happening is when everything is happening.”

You’ll begin to believe in these things called manifesting your dreams and the law of attraction.

You Will Offer Value, So You’ll Get Value

You’ve found your true purpose in life, which tells you how to offer value to others. You have finally identified how to do the very thing that your soul has yearned for: helping other people. Your unique gifts have allowed you to give others something they can’t get from anyone else on this planet. Congratulations on making it this far!

And it begins. You have offered value to the world, so the world is going to give you value back. You will live in abundance, manifesting good things. Sometimes it might not be a million dollars because a lot of money isn’t what everyone needs. It might be a distractor from your greater purpose.

The universe won’t let you be homeless, though, so have no fear.

Sometimes it’s relationships, experiences, or love that gets manifested in return for your offerings. Your soul’s longing for these things will become clear.

I have personally made it to the level I describe here as I write this, just barely beginning to notice that there are people in this world who value what I am offering. I do not have millions of dollars yet, but I feel extremely fulfilled for walking the path of my soul, which is to help others heal and grow through writing, teaching, and coaching. I have found a small group of people on social media and even in my local neighborhood who share my views and value my work — and this is the abundance I needed right now.

What’s so crazy is that I assumed I knew what all the people in the world were like based on the circle of people I already knew. But this is not the right mindset: I should have been assuming that there were many people out there who I haven’t met yet, and they will enjoy what I am offering. I’ll probably enjoy what they’re offering, too. I just have to find them.

Maybe you’re one of them.

Don’t Let Anything Stop You

To conclude here, I want to remind you: don’t let the fears get you. They’ll come. Unless you are really surrounded by completely supportive people and you never watch the news or read anything that doesn’t put positive thoughts in your mind, you are bound to have days when you think it’s all bonkers and you need to try to reclaim your old, meaningless life.

It was safe. Why wouldn’t you want safety?

But don’t do it. Don’t give in to the fears. Just let them arise and let them go again. Keep your inner voice as your reference point.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”

Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!