What Are Some Good Questions to Ask a Psychic?
What Are Some Good Questions to Ask a Psychic?

What Are Some Good Questions to Ask a Psychic?

good questions to ask a psychic
Image credit: Canva

I have been to many a group psychic reading. I’ve heard what other people’s dead relatives tell them. I’ve listened to the questions people ask the universe. In my own readings, often I guide my clients’ questions to bigger things — like the soul lesson behind the hardship. I always think that advice is a good thing to ask about, but for me, it’s always related to soul evolution. Without relating to the greater purpose of the soul’s journey, the messages coming in from Spirit often carry very little potency. Good questions for a psychic will always have an element of soul learning as the goal.

When I’m called to sit down and ask the Tarot a question for myself, I hesitate. Would I really want to waste the time of the universe in communicating with me by asking how I can make more money or when I’m going to have a boyfriend? Do I even want answers to these small questions?

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I’m an infinite being in human form and everything I am going through is bursting with meaning and purpose. Why would I narrow my focus to petty, surface-level, temporary pursuits when I could be asking how I can save humanity? I know that the day-to-day events of my life are fleeting and temporary, but the lasting meaning is in the karmic lessons I learn in each moment of opportunity. So, I always ask what great lessons I need to be learning today and how I can heal the most.

As I communicate with my dead relatives and ancestors, I wouldn’t waste their time with these things either. They want to see me make strides in my soul journey while I’m here, not obsess over a man or try to fill my bank account. When I am in a reading with a psychic medium who is channeling messages for me, I would hope that any spirits around me would say something more meaningful than “I am proud of you.” This doesn’t help me very much.

I need something more from the spirit world. I need the key to surviving life. I want to know what is going on over on their side. I hope to know how I can reach my highest good in this lifetime and be of service to the greatest number of other souls. If they want to give me the lottery numbers too, I won’t turn them down. But to focus just on me and my own family is folly. I need to widen my spiritual pursuits to something greater — something that touches humanity as a whole.

Sometimes all we need is confirmation from the other side that there’s someone up there watching over us. Sometimes we need validation for the belief that there is an afterlife. Sometimes any message fulfills the purpose of restoring faith, and it doesn’t really matter what’s coming through.

It’s okay if the messages coming in don’t alter your life or anything if all you need is to feel less alone and less lost. But as you start to fully trust the universe, these messages are meaningless and you crave more. When you know without a doubt that life continues after death, the questions you have for the spirits start to change. As you understand that you’re a soul having a human experience, the wisdom you seek elevates to new levels.

Just keep evolving, and when you find yourself in a place to ask the universe a question, make it a good one.

Tarot Readings

Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

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