Trusting the Knowledge That Comes From Within
Trusting the Knowledge That Comes From Within

Trusting the Knowledge That Comes From Within

Although modern times have us second-guessing our intuitive knowledge, it can tell us everything we need to know.

intuitive knowledge
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We are told to trust materialism in these modern times. We are told to fall in line with the tradition of empiricism, which was put into place a couple of hundred years ago. We are told that the only way we can get knowledge is through experience. And we already know that the only way we get experience is through the five senses. This is a valid argument, but is every premise here true? I don’t think so. Intuitive knowledge is also valuable.

There is a realm of knowledge that is beyond the senses. Unfortunately, if you already think there is nothing that exists unless you can see it, touch it, feel it, etc, then you already won’t be on board with this idea. I can’t prove through empiricism that there is anything beyond the senses, and that might be the only way you’ll accept it. But if you have an open mind to accept knowledge from your intuition, keep reading.

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Intuition is a source of knowledge that doesn’t mesh with modern science, but humanity has been in touch with intuitive knowledge for all of human existence until recently.

I do a thing where I go into the forest and I’m totally alone, and I ask an important soul question. I won’t tell you the exact questions I have asked because it seems very personal to me, but it’s things like “What should I be doing right now in my life for success?” and “Am I making the right choices?”. I have learned to turn off my expectations and go past the clutter of my mind to hear a clear answer that is coming at me from a source other than me.

Trust me, you can do this, too.

I just tune out what isn’t coming from that intuitive realm, and I tune in to what is real and eternal. It takes a lot of self-trust. There are messages and thoughts moving through your brain that get mixed up and confuse you. Some are emotionally charged, so they come from your fears or desires. Some are from the universe. Actually, I think a great deal of them are from the universe.

Well, actually, all of them are from the universe since we are from the universe, but you know what I mean. There are very pure thoughts that are beyond the attachments of your current life.

We have been conditioned not to trust ourselves. Modern living is all about data and scientific studies, and we are trained to never make decisions based on our gut feelings. We laugh when we hear of people who bet on the stock market based on a feeling, or a racehorse. Modern society has told us that the world is chaotic and random, and there’s no way we could “know” anything based on a hunch.

But we know from introspection that the truth can also be sourced from within.

Our whole lives are full of internal messages that we are trained to ignore. We have dreams that we tell our therapists, and we are told that this is “just the subconscious” and there’s a scientific explanation for the silly images that our brains produce overnight. We are absolutely barred from ever trusting our own minds and the messages that our souls bring forward.

To clearly receive the messages we need from our intuition, we really need to re-program ourselves to have strong self-trust.

You can find your way. You can re-connect with your inner self and start to know things that aren’t from your senses. Trust me, you can. You just have to make a mindset shift that is pretty significant — to stop allowing yourself to believe everything you’re told. This is no small thing.

Intuitive knowledge is beautiful. It connects us to our eternal selves. It allows us to understand the meaning in our soul journeys. Our lives aren’t random and chaotic. There is meaning in everything that happens to us. When we start to trust ourselves again and acknowledge the existence of our higher selves (our souls), things begin to shift in our lives toward happiness and abundance.