Spiritual Awakening and Twin Flames
Spiritual Awakening and Twin Flames

Spiritual Awakening and Twin Flames

Your twin flame comes to elevate your soul. When they arrive, it usually is the start of a spiritual awakening.
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This twin flame journey isn’t meant to keep you the same all the time. We’re the lucky ones — we have met a person who catalyzes our whole existence and helps us evolve as souls. From a spiritual standpoint, this is a beautiful and miraculous journey. From the ego’s standpoint, it’s terribly painful. There’s no way around it. Spiritual awakening and twin flames go hand in hand and they usually arrive together.

This is precisely the challenge that this experience presents you with. You can either keep attaching to the experience of “love” in terms of ego-level relationship ideals, or you can transcend this attachment and understand love from the soul level. To choose the latter is extremely difficult because the ego pulls and pulls. It wants you to pine for this person in the physical realm and to have a “fairy-tale” ending that it feels it deserves. The internal struggle is powerful for your transformation.

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The more you struggle against the transformation, the harder the journey becomes. The moment you resolve to let go and allow events to unfold as the universe wills, content with any outcome, the easier it becomes. Live from the soul level and you will find a way to survive this!

Are You Ready for the Shift?

When you meet your twin flame, the universe is showing you that you are ready for that quantum leap. Spiritual awakenings happen in several ways, but for those of us amid a twin flame experience, the awakening is because of a relationship with a person who mirrors us deeply. This is your chance to change your current life — and maybe other lives, too.

Look into the mirror. Understand the self.

You’re ready. Your soul is ready to elevate. You just have to do some inner work to embrace the transformation.

Choose Spiritual Strides

Twin flames on Earth — in physical form — have a very hard time finding equilibrium. Between them and within each individual, a balance must be struck for there to be great spiritual strides.

When the ego hears “spiritual strides” it gets excited because it thinks that means the twin flame will be back. It thinks that there will be “union” and everyone will live happily ever after. But, you know, that’s just not how reality works.

When you make spiritual strides, a transformation happens within you, not within another person. Sometimes it can alchemize the relationships in your life, I don’t deny that, but this isn’t the goal. If you seek spiritual transformation with the end goal of controlling another person’s behavior, you will find that the universe senses your intentions aren’t pure and you won’t attract the miracles you seek.

Soul Evolution

The real miracles happen within. Your soul evolution is the real reward. It’s lasting. It stays when you leave this existence and you’re on your way to the next. What you learn here, and the spiritual strides you make by healing yourself now, are eternal. They go with your soul when you die.

What happens in physical form is always temporary. Nothing here is static. So, don’t attach yourself. You have to let go and turn your awareness within. Love yourself and understand that any love you have for another human being is mirrored within you — the love is there whether that person is loving you back or not. You are made of love.

Spiritual awakening and twin flames are intertwined. If you’ve met your twin flame, you’re either about to be awakened or you just have been.

Twin Flames and the Love Story Within

Twin Flames and the Love Story Within is Available on Amazon!

twin flame coaching

Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

twin flame healing meditation course

Learn to meditate with a mantra, heal your inner wounds, and understand your twin flame journey on a deeper level.