What Is Twin Flame Union, Really?
What Is Twin Flame Union, Really?

What Is Twin Flame Union, Really?

what is twin flame union
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Sometimes I wonder about the “traditional” ideology surrounding twin flames and all the information available on the internet about the topic. One of the ideas I struggle with is “union” with your twin flame. What if the goal isn’t union, but something else? What is twin flame union, anyway?

I think that when we focus on the physical aspects of existence too much, it leads us astray. We should be coming into union on the higher planes. If your twin flame is you, then union should be with yourself first, and that is an inner journey.

Twin flames are real; make no mistake. I am not challenging their existence. What I experienced can’t be denied, and I’ve dedicated a lot of my work over the past few years to exploring the concept of twin flames. I should add that I can’t be “in union” with my twin flame in this lifetime because he died a few years ago. So, I am always thinking about what it means and why it happened — I’ve concluded that it was a lesson to teach me that his Earthly existence never mattered because he was always a spiritual presence in my life.

Your twin flame is always with you. Twin souls are making it through human existence together, over many lifetimes, whether or not they actually meet in person at all. If you are in a lifetime where you’ve met yours in the flesh, you are very lucky to come into awareness of this concept. It will help you ascend.

I have been coaching and guiding people on their twin flame journeys for a few years now, and I still sometimes feel doubt about the whole concept. I think doubts are a normal part of the journey. Sometimes, I am not entirely sure if I can tell whether someone’s relationship story is about a twin flame or something else. There are grey areas for me sometimes when I hear stories about a messy breakup. 

Does it matter if it’s a twin flame? I am not here to judge people’s experiences and decide something so deeply personal. I firmly believe that nobody and nothing can tell you whether you’ve met your twin flame except your own intuition. But I also believe that it doesn’t matter. 

Does it matter if you’ve met your twin flame? It’s the spiritual awakening that matters, not the relationship.

The result of a twin flame awakening is so valuable to the soul and to the human collective that it doesn’t matter how you get there. Perhaps it’s a real twin flame, perhaps not. The prize is your higher consciousness, not the romance. It’s the effect that matters, not the cause.

So, terms like “false twin flame”, “karmic”, and “soul mate” are all meaningless to me in a way. There’s twin flames and then there’s everyone else. And all that matters is the lesson you learned from the interaction. If the relationship forced you to see something about yourself that needs to change and heal, then it did you a lot of good.

The spiritual journey can be lost on people who focus closely on physical reality. It is all an illusion. Twin flames are just one concept here, and perhaps as humans, we will never truly understand it. All you can do is try to be a better human every day.

So, thank the universe for sending you a person who awakens you to a higher state of consciousness. If the labels are confusing you, let them fall away. Focus on your soul growth. Keep going deeper and getting higher. This lifetime isn’t meant for you to waste it focusing on a breakup or a weird love story in the sense that you need to be with this person in union. You are meant to be transcending all of this to find love within yourself.

twin flame coaching

Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Get clarity on your twin flame journey! Ask your questions and understand the spiritual nature of the situation.

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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