‘Alignment’ is a state of agreement and union. When you seek spiritual alignment, you are existing in agreement with higher forces — the greater, divine system of the universe. This is really hard for many of us humans because there seem to be so many reasons not to be in alignment — so many temporary pleasures to pursue and so many distractions to be had. It’s easy to get swept away in the mundane world where you can be wasteful, greedy, nasty, selfish, and cruel and get away with it.
Being in spiritual alignment means that you choose moral and compassionate actions. Truly spiritual people know that there is a greater force surrounding us, aware of our behavior and our innermost thoughts. It’s the universe. It is a loving consciousness that only wishes us to reach our highest good. It forgives us for our faults, but it encourages us to do right by ourselves and the world around us. To act with full knowledge of this at all times is to be in alignment.
But there’s more. Alignment means that your desires are the same as that great force that surrounds you. Our egos create separation so that we can be individuals, but at a soul level, we are one with all things. The ego creates desires for things that are temporary and fleeting — often of very low significance compared to what the soul desires. The ego wants status, relationships for the wrong reasons, material possessions, security, and physical pleasure. The soul wants pure happiness and freedom. It knows that we are all connected, so it wants the happiness of all beings. To be in alignment means to be living from the soul level.
Why would you want to seek spiritual alignment? The answer seems clear. You want to have the same desires as the universe because then things get easier. Let me explain why this is true.
Universal Consciousness and Desires
The universe wants healing, love, community, and progress toward enlightenment for every being of any level of consciousness. That includes you and it also includes single-celled organisms, insects, and your dog. Of course, the universe in its infinite consciousness has a will that’s stronger than yours and a way of moving all beings in a certain direction.
When you choose to move in a different direction, it’s like struggling against a current. You will not succeed. You’ll find calamity at every turn and your life will often be miserable. When you choose this, you must not be aware of what you’re doing, so you’ll likely say that you are simply unlucky and bad things always happen to you. You won’t likely understand why you can’t achieve your goals as easily as other people.
When you choose to move with the current and adopt the same desires as the universe, things get easier. Your life begins to flow. The things you desire manifest easily. Things always seem to work out for you. That’s because the universe wants it, too, so it organizes the outcomes for you at every turn.
Alignment Means Ease of Life
You’ll know when your desires are not aligned and you’ve strayed from the path because it will get a little harder again. But it’s true what they say about doing what feels right — what you love to do and what fulfills you — it will always lead you to success. The universe will support you in your work.
For instance, you may think that you want to pursue a career in fine arts. But then an opportunity comes along and gets you to start working in entertainment — inspiring the masses. You’re good at it and people love what you do. Success seems to keep finding you. A year or two go by, and you have a strong desire to go back to fine arts. But that didn’t serve you before, why force it now? It is advisable to adjust what you want to align with the universe. Shed the desires you once had and adopt new ones — things that create freedom and flow for you. In this case, the universe wants you to work in entertainment, so you’d better keep going until a new pathway opens. If you stray from that, it will only get more difficult. (Of course, this is a great simplification of someone’s life, but it’s just meant as a thought experiment here.)
Work Should Never Be Hard
All of us have a unique reason that we’re here on planet Earth. We have unique skills to offer. You likely already know what you’re good at and what you can offer to others as a service. It’s what makes you feel good and what puts you in a state of flow. It feels effortless. If you’re doing anything else, then it feels like hard work. But work should never be hard. When you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing, it fills you with a great sense of ease and purpose. That’s alignment.
So, we should all seek spiritual alignment instead of chasing things that will make us money, grant us fame, and create security for us. We have to do what the universe wants us to do — and it’s always going to be about helping people. For some of us, fame, fortune, and safety are parts of our aligned path. For others, anonymity and modesty serve the world better. But the universe opens doors and reveals the path for those who are working in alignment with it. It protects, always.
All I’m saying is it’s possible to lead a stress-free, happy existence in which you’re working to help humanity. Most people are too scared to do this, so they grow accustomed to unhappiness and drudgery. They think that’s normal. They’ll even argue with you to convince you that work or life is a struggle. But let’s show them it’s not. Get into alignment. Cultivate your highest good.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.