Emily Wellness and Oneness
Twin Flame Support Group

Twin Flame Support Group

twin flame support group with Emily

Find Support on the Twin Flame Journey

Join the Twin Flame Support Group, a community of spiritual people who have met their twin flames! If you feel like you’re crazy and you have no one else to talk to about your twin flame journey, then you’ve come to the right place.

Whether your twin flame is still living or on the “other side”, we are here to share our stories and uplift. This was originally started in 2022 as a grief support group for those who have lost their twin flames, but over the years it has developed into a loving community for anyone who is struggling on the twin flame journey.

The focus here is the relationship with the self and how to use this experience to evolve. This is all about spiritual awakenings.

tf support group

Membership Benefits

  • Discord 24/7 chat community access
  • Occasional support group meetings on Discord with Emily
  • Lots of shared resources and connections with others on this journey
  • Grief support

If you haven’t met with Emily in the past, you’ll be asked to set up a 15-minute meeting (for $33) to learn about the group and briefly talk about your situation before receiving an invite. Alternatively, you can book a twin flame coaching session, twin flame tarot reading, or any other session with Emily (excluding email readings and classes) and then you’ll be invited to the group. There is no recurring fee for this support group.

Questions? Fill Out This Information Request Form

About the Group

Membership – $0/Month

After your first meeting with Emily, the membership to the group is free. There is no recurring fee to be a member. You have two options for joining:

If you’ve met with her in the past, please contact Emily to be added to the group.

  • Occasional Support Group Meetings on Video Chat (via Discord)
  • Support Group Chat 24/7
  • Discussions led by Emily
  • Connections with others who have met their twin flame
  • Grief support

This group was created in May 2022 to bring together people who want to talk about topics such as: twin flames, unconditional love, self-love, healing, shadow work, reincarnation, psychic phenomena, synchronicities, consciousness, and other spiritual topics that come up during the twin flame journey. It can be so healing for your story to be validated by others who are going through similar experiences, and to also offer your experiences to help the group.

We value participation and human interaction. In this group, there is minimal moderation from Emily besides ensuring respectful interactions. (As of January 2025, we have around 100 members, about 20 of whom are active frequently, and we have ongoing chat conversations.)


Follow the Twin Flame Support community on Instagram! (Account run by Emily)

Video/Voice Meetings

The group meets via video and voice chat occasionally on Discord for regular Support Group Meetings. Meetings are optionsl.

Chat Community

Discord is a platform for communities to interact in an organized way, and it’s a great place for our group to converse and share resources. It comes in the form of an app that you can access on your phone, browser, or desktop, and it helps you remain anonymous if you choose that.

“The twin flame support group is something I never thought I’d find. My TF passed away and I truly believe he brought me to this group for the amazing support system that it is. The TF experience can be very isolating but this group is definitely a remedy for that as you can’t talk about this subject with just anyone! There are some amazing people in the group that I’m proud to call my friends.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Laura K.

in Philadelphia

“The twin flame journey is an intricate and complex one that only true twin flames can understand. The Twin Flames support calls have made me feel heard, held, and seen by people who understand, by experience, what l have been going through. This group has helped me gain a lot of clarity about my journey. Through the discussions l noticed lots of similarities with fellow group members which helped me understand that l wasn’t going crazy or making things up, this is how the complex twin flames dynamics work. Emily is a great listener. She will hold space for you and make you feel safe and heard. I love the fact that we can all embrace vulnerability in an authentic way in this group.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Kumba S.

in Miami

“Emily’s tarot readings, spiritual guidance and twin flame support group is what helped me navigate (and survive) the dark night of my soul. Her kind words of encouragement and intuitive guidance were a beacon of hope for me at a time when people barely understand and appreciate the twin flame concept. I discovered a lot about myself and learned new tools and techniques to advance in my spiritual journey.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


in Bangalore

“Being a part of the amazing support group that Emily deftly facilitates each week over Zoom for those who’re on the Twin Flame Journey has been such a life raft for me. Connecting with other Twins who can relate to or at least empathize with the weird, wondrous, supernatural nature of the experience cannot be overvalued, as it’s otherwise a lonely, internal journey that makes no rational sense. Acceptance, affirmation and maybe even some life-changing epiphanies is what you’ll find.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


in Brooklyn

Community Guidelines

By joining, you are confirming that you are 18 years or older and you understand that you’re making a donation. This group is not to take the place of professional medical or legal services of any kind, it is a community of equals, and it is a safe space with the intention of finding love and understanding. At any time, the moderator can remove a member for any reason.

In addition, joining means that you are agreeing to these community guidelines:

  1. Be Kind and Courteous

We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

  1. No Hate Speech or Bullying

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated. None of us has the whole twin flame journey figured out, so acceptance of many viewpoints is important.

  1. No Spam

Give more to this group than you take. Spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed. You are, however, encouraged to promote your spiritually-relevant services here.

  1. Respect Everyone’s Privacy

Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group. However, there are no guarantees of confidentiality here.

15 Minute Mini Session