Why Twin Flame Separation Pain Is So Hard
Why Twin Flame Separation Pain Is So Hard

Why Twin Flame Separation Pain Is So Hard

At least when my twin flame was still alive, I knew he still walked the earth in human form. I knew that I could still run into him again or that the universe, working in its ways, would bring him back to me. And I was right — it did. Twin flame separation pain is hard when you both walk this Earth (alive!) because you don’t know what you’re waiting for or when it will happen. You must just blindly trust that you’ll see them again when the time is right.

Now that he’s gone from that form, I often see myself as a mountain climber reaching a summit, looking over at him on another cliff — too far to communicate, but just visible enough to know he still exists. And I must walk on this strange path now by myself. Since I believe that I’ll never share such a deep connection with another human being, I feel very alone up there.

Perhaps he will appear as a sunset, a hawk, a butterfly, a tree, or a dark-haired wolf as I’ve always imagined him. But none of it really seems to matter unless he’s in human form and can experience this planet’s wonders alongside me.

It feels like all of this life is just fiction. Just a play, and I’m a character in it. Rarely do we get to experience what it’s like to be the role-player, seeing the big picture and how our roles fit into the script. I’m just in the middle of a big plot.

When he was alive and with me, it felt like the only “real” time of my life. It was the only time I really understood who I was and that the universe makes complete sense. I knew my soul. I knew his soul. Life was magnificent. Anything could be achieved, it seemed. We could manifest anything we wanted just by uniting our energies which had been separated for so long.

Being with him was a miracle.

It was beyond romance. It isn’t most people’s definition of love. It was the peak of existence — the greatest point I can imagine achieving. Divine purpose and love were crystal clear. They still are, but in my memory. That is what hurts. It’s in the past. And I had no idea when it was happening that it was to be so short-lived.

It seems like when you’re in separation from your twin flame you’re just filling up time until you see them again. It may not make sense to other people and even seem fairly insulting, but once you’ve known the presence of your twin flame, you feel lost and alone without them. The rest of life seems less meaningful.

For me, it feels like I am just in limbo until the time comes for us to be together again. I am just making up my life day by day, making up reasons to go on. I know that sounds awful to people who don’t get it. I am aware of how I sound. But it’s the truth. When he was here, the relationships I had with friends and family felt far more meaningful simply because his presence injected meaning into everything. Now, they still mean something to me, but I feel dead inside. What’s the point of it all?

Twin flame separation hurts like hell. There’s probably no point in the existence of twin flames without this ultimate pain. Twin flame separation pain serves a purpose. It pushes us to see life differently. It is needed for our souls to grow. But days are hard and life is hard. I am just glad to know so many people who have endured the same kind of journey as I have. It makes the path a little easier to tread.

Hi, I’m Emily. I’m the author of the book Twin Flames and the Love Story Within. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and coach others spiritually. I even offer twin flame coaching. For more information, see my bookings and services page.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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