In my many conversations with twin flames, it is obvious that one of them is always more “awakened” than the other. Twin flame awakening is a type of spiritual awakening that comes from meeting someone who mirrors you deeply. But the twin flame spiritual awakening is usually one-sided, and that’s what drives the “chaser” twin crazy – they are forced to watch their “unawakened” twin go through their low-vibrational life. For this reason, twin flame runner awakening is a big topic in the world of twin flames. Everyone wants to know when their twin flame will awaken.
Awakening can come in many forms and on different levels, but generally, one of the twin flames is spiritual and understands the connection of all things in the universe, making them able to recognize the soul level connection between the two. The awakened twin wants to help the other one wake up, but this can be a grueling process. Often, it seems to be the only thing standing in the way of them being together in union.
I have rarely heard of both twin flames being awakened. And in talks with many clients, it is usually the “divine feminine” counterpart that is awakened, and I think that’s because the feminine energy is more attuned to the spiritual realms. Perhaps both twins can be awakened, and this may be what happens in perfect union, when both are able to rise above their human problems and see the big picture. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but with my own twin flame experience combined with countless stories I’ve heard from clients, it’s not common at all.
Furthermore, the awakened twin flame isn’t always the chaser. It’s not that clear-cut — nothing makes total sense when it comes to twin flames. A lot of the experience just doesn’t make sense. Sometimes, the awakened twin is fully aware of the connection and chases after the other, trying to get them to see, too. But sometimes, the spiritually awakened person wants solitude or to explore different aspects of life.
The truth is that healing is really hard even for a spiritually awakened person. Being with a twin flame takes a monumental amount of healing.
So, why does this happen? The only conclusion I can come to is that one twin flame is usually awakened because otherwise, the miracle of the relationship wouldn’t occur. If both are awakened, it defeats the spiritual purpose of twin flames in the first place. Twin flames are meant to raise the collective consciousness.
We can’t all be awakened all the time or life on Earth wouldn’t have any point for the soul. And one twin has to be awakened so that the strangeness of the experience raises their awareness further.
Only the awakened twin sees the synchronicities and coincidences. Only they can start to grasp the spiritual significance of this relationship. Their spiritual journey takes a leap because of this meeting. The fact that the other twin is not aware of what’s going on is just another challenge for the soul.
The awakened twin has to navigate the strangeness of finding a perfect soulmate who wants nothing to do with them. The other twin is caught up in human messes — their lives seem to overshadow the incredible chance they’re missing. They’re stuck in the matrix.
Of course, on a soul level, both twin flames are totally aware of the situation. They wrote this script themselves and planned it this way. One of the twins comes in to awaken the other, and the awakened twin experiences a great leveling-up of their spiritual life. They’re actually constantly awakening each other. For a soul to embark on such a journey is a great act of love, even if it seems to painful from where we stand as humans.
The journey of a twin flame is intended to drive you crazy. One twin flame is awakened for the adventure that is both painful and miraculous. They hope for their twin flame to awaken, too, so they don’t miss the story of a lifetime, but the universe blocks them. Twin flame runner awakening is the greatest desire of the chaser, and it can drive you mad. That insanity is part of a twin flame journey and it must be embraced.
I’m struggling with an awakening but my awakening is telling me I’ve eve and Lilith at the same time and I have met my twin flame but he has died and I have had two children and I feel like I’m going crazy
I’m so sorry to hear this, it’s a lot happening at once. What’s the awakening like for you?