Twin Flame Obsession Isn’t Crazy
Twin Flame Obsession Isn’t Crazy

Twin Flame Obsession Isn’t Crazy

twin flame obsession makes you feel crazy
Image credit: Canva

Your twin flame comes into your life during spiritual awakenings and major life shifts. This is the trend I see in conversations with countless people about their twin flames. I also see a trend that people feel guilty and ashamed for being obsessed with someone who won’t talk to them. Twin flame obsession isn’t crazy.

The fact is, your friends, family, and therapists will be telling you not to pay attention to this person, it’s not healthy to be obsessed and to move on. Forget them, they tell you. They’re toxic, they tell you.

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But I would like to offer a different perspective here.

Since twin flames and the whole experience go against common sense and logic, then why would the rules you normally apply to relationships work in this case? Why should you approach this person like any other person you’ve been involved with when they’re nothing like anyone you’ve ever met? They are special. It’s simple. Your obsession with them makes sense and it’s healthy.

They personify your soul — they are your mirror. They are closely connected to you energetically. It’s a miracle — not something to just “move on” from.

Spiritual awakenings are insane. Twin flame experiences are not exempt from this description. This is a type of spiritual awakening.

You already feel like you’re losing your mind in an awakening, so why would you feel bad about being obsessed with your twin flame? This person is completely turning your world around. Pay attention to them, by all means.

Why wouldn’t you be obsessed with the most transformational experience of your entire life?

This is a big deal what you’re going through. This is no small matter. This isn’t just a person — it’s an experience. It’s something worth focusing on and obsessing over.

Now, I don’t think you should necessarily obsess over the person. You won’t be complete if they’re in communication with you. You were already complete. But twin flame obsession isn’t something to feel guilty about.

You need to work on self-love and self-awareness. You should focus on the twin flame in the sense that they’ve given you perspective on your own wounds. Don’t try to control their behavior — because you can’t — instead, control your own. Make meaningful choices in your life and do some inner work.

It may be unhealthy to obsess over trying to force a person to change. You won’t succeed, and it’s a waste of energy. Instead, obsess over the whole situation and how it’s changing you.

The only person you can control is you. So, obsess over yourself instead.

Ultimately, the experience is worthy of obsession. Figuring out what you’re going to do with it is an adventure. Being given all this pain so that you can look directly at your own soul is a gift.

Treasure this experience, and yes, indulge in its wonder as much as you possibly can.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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