Your Twin Flame Makes You Feel Crazy
Your Twin Flame Makes You Feel Crazy

Your Twin Flame Makes You Feel Crazy

Image credit: Canva

When you meet your twin flame, reality begins to shift. You might even forget what life seemed like before meeting them. What drove you? Why were you living? Twin flames change everything. And you might feel like you’re losing your mind. The twin flame in your life leaves you feeling crazy.

In fact, you probably are losing your mind. You are going crazy.

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When I met my twin flame, I thought, “Is this really happening?” The words he said mirrored my mind. It was a different level of relationship from anyone else I’d ever met. And many months later, even after his death, I am still feeling the effects of twin flamery. It’s not all rainbows and cupcakes.

I still ask myself every day if twin flames are even real. That’s part of losing your mind.

Losing your mind is all about questioning reality. Questioning your assumptions that reality is based on. Reconstructing your world in your mind. Let’s get into how this happens.

Deconstructing and Reconstructing Reality

Most of our lives are mental constructs. Every morning when you wake up, your consciousness forms the world around you that you are here to experience. Likewise, in dreams, your consciousness creates a reality for you to experience. They are different experiences, but they are both adventures within your mind.

Your twin flame only helps you overcome the hurdles of deconstructing your own reality and wakes you up to the way the universe really works. There are “miracles” all around you, and your twin flame is one of them. You are able to find perfect love on Earth, and you realize this through meeting this person.

You are a soul on a wild and wonderful journey, and death is not the end. There’s a grand purpose to it all. The fact that such a person exists opens the door for you to totally lose your mind, as in losing your whole programmed sense of existence before that moment. You break free from the Matrix just a little more because of them.

The Behavior Doesn’t Match the Feeling

In addition, your twin flame will drive you nuts just by their behavior. First, when you meet, it’s a lot to process. The world is totally new in a good way, but then there will be a period of separation. Perhaps they’ll excommunicate you. Or maybe they will still talk to you but it’s like the intensity has gone. Maybe you are both mad at each other. You’ll know in your heart that you’re meant to be together, but in physical reality, it looks like the opposite.

Their behavior in response to yours won’t be like that of other people. It’s like you’re drawn toward each other and yet repelled at the same time. This makes things seem a bit nuts for a while. Your friends will definitely think you’re mad because to them, the relationship appears toxic. But it’s not toxic. It just makes no sense whatsoever.

Stick to your guns. Stay strong in your intuitive notions. You know what’s real.

Even When You Reach Unity, You May Be Feeling Crazy

After you have come back together, there may still be healing to do. This person mirrors all the darkest parts of yourself. You might feel emotionally unstable because lots of feelings are bubbling up all the time. This is good. You’re facing them. You’re facing yourself.

Things may occur between the two of you that still don’t make sense. Even when two people love each other, other forces can be at play to make things complicated. The journey will never be a ‘normal’ one. Think of every fairytale romance you’ve ever read. Do they really make any sense? No, and it’s the same for twin flames.

Conclusion: Accept It

So, be ready for the mind loss. For the twin flame crazy feeling. For the ups and downs. For the insanity. It’s all a great part of your self-healing journey. Your soul needs it in order to progress. It’s all a good thing even when it looks bad. Hang in there.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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