The Meaning of Twin Flame Angel Numbers
The Meaning of Twin Flame Angel Numbers

The Meaning of Twin Flame Angel Numbers

twin flame angel numbers
Image credit: Canva

Are you seeing repeated numbers like 11 everywhere? Or maybe you’re seeing strange sequences like 1234 or 144, or any other number that inexplicably keeps crossing your path. Synchronistic numbers show up on the twin flame journey in abundance. What does it all even mean? You probably feel like you’re losing your mind.

Having a twin flame means a lot of insanity. You think you know what reality is, and then this person enters your life and turns the world upside down. And all of us see the numbers during the process. We all wonder what they mean and many of us hope it means our twin flame is going to re-enter our lives.

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It’s easy to get excited that when you see 11, 33, or 55 it means your twin flame is going to be “in union” with you soon. But having discussed many twin flame stories with my clients, I can tell you this isn’t what it necessarily means. It doesn’t exclude the possibility of twin flame union, but that’s not what the number synchronicities are about.

It Means Soul Alignment

I think that it really means is actually better than twin flame union. It’s about your soul — your higher self. You’re spiritually awakening, and awakening is never easy.

Twin flame union in this life is temporary because life is temporary. To focus on the impermanence of existence is folly. You should rejoice when you see repeated numbers because it means your soul is aligning with the universe and you’re on the path of the highest possible awakenings in your current incarnation. Would you reject this in favor of a surface-level, fleeting relationship here on Earth?

The Eternal Soul vs. Human Relationships

If you knew what I know, you would always choose your soul’s ascension over human relationships — even with your twin flame. I know what you’re enduring is painful and difficult, but your soul is benefitting immensely and this is more important than anything in the grand scheme of the universe.

Your soul is learning exactly what it needs to learn. It’s painful for a reason. You cannot have soul growth without discomfort.

Your Twin Flame Loves You

Your twin flame loves you so much on a soul level that they would dare to give you the most excruciating and confusing experience of a lifetime so that you could liberate yourself. This is real love. It’s divine love — beyond this space and time. If you had a simple and easy life with your twin flame, they wouldn’t be doing much for you. They must push you.

I’m not saying they are consciously aware of any of this. They are probably disconnected from that soul-level wisdom. This is why I am telling you, so that you will recognize it and see that this love goes far beyond the small and surface-level life we find ourselves in. It can help ease some of the pain to keep this in mind.

So, the synchronistic numbers mean something big. But it’s not about twin flame union. It’s about your own path. The more you align with the universe, the more numbers you will see.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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