Spirituality in Business: How to Get a Good Deal
Spirituality in Business: How to Get a Good Deal

Spirituality in Business: How to Get a Good Deal

Pick up on the signs pointing you to good outcomes

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Last fall, I moved to a large, corporate-owned apartment complex and bought a new car. I met with many salespeople. I am a person who used to often have trouble making decisions, and I have also had bad experiences with salespeople in the past. In fact, I used to have a ton of anxiety in these interactions. That was because I was focused on the wrong things. I am going to tell you what changed for me, and how I started waking up to the spirituality in business dealings.

As I became more awake and aware of the energy and its interactions that make up the world we live in, I started to understand that my intuition is always correct. For example, one salesperson might make me feel good, and I may enjoy speaking with them. Another might be cold and uncaring, but offer me a better deal. I thought I was being business-savvy by always following the best deal, saving my money as much as possible. I’d brag about it. But now I know that is not the way to real happiness. So, last fall, as I changed my home and bought a car, I decided to adopt a new philosophy.

My new way of dealing with salespeople is to follow the good energy. How do you do such a thing? Well, I believe it is fairly easy. It presents itself to you very obviously. If the salesperson is making you feel good, they are at ease, and they are being kind to you, this is a sign of good energy. Their energy has been enhanced by – or is comfortable with – the company they work for. The energy they get from their superiors and the higher-ups above them is good, and it is trickling down to you. If you make the purchase from this salesperson, there is a low chance that it won’t have a good outcome. Maybe the car you buy from this person will last a long time. Maybe the home you purchase from this person will enliven your family and bring abundance to your life. All I can say is: it hasn’t worked out badly for me, and I trust in the intuitions I have to bring me to good outcomes.

Perhaps you can save a little money by following the salesperson who is focused on the sale, on money, and on their status in the company. But this energy will pervade your interactions with this person and ultimately, the final transaction. You will walk away with coldness and energy of focus only on money. There are many more factors surrounding a large purchase that go beyond the initial transaction, and you have to think about where that energy is going to go once you’ve entered into this contract with this person and company. The salesperson is showing you upfront what kind of energy they’ve received from their employer, and what kind of energy they will give or take from you in the future. And that energy embodies the transaction of the purchase and the item that is being passed on to you.

Who can argue with following good energy? Even if all else fails, if you feel the good energy, and you’ve given some abundance to the salesperson in return for their good energy in the form of the purchase, you have increased some good karma in the world. Look for the subtle parts of interactions and trust your intuition, and you will go far.

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