Feeling Crazy and Signs of Spiritual Awakening
Feeling Crazy and Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Feeling Crazy and Signs of Spiritual Awakening

signs of spiritual awakening
Image credit: Canva

When someone tells me they are having ascension symptoms without crying a little, I don’t believe them. If they tell me they had a kundalini awakening with a straight face, I wonder a little. If they tell me they’ve met their twin flame without saying they’re also totally losing their mind, I know it’s not the real thing. One of the signs of spiritual awakening is feeling like you’re going nuts.

A spiritual awakening involves a feeling of insanity. If you are having one and you feel like it’s somehow normal, then you’re not having one. If your journey of ascension follows some set of “rules” that you learned from gurus on the internet, then you aren’t experiencing the real thing.

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Spiritual awakenings are terrifying and messy. Your whole concept of reality is challenged. Often, you find that you can’t go on the way you’d been going till then. Many things about your life are not aligned with your spiritual awareness, so you might have to quit your job or end your marriage.

It can become cumbersome because you’ve built your whole life and the security of your family on your choices that were based on surface-level concerns. Changing these core foundational aspects of you isn’t easy. It can feel very lonely and depressing to have to re-structure and re-align your life.

You’ve Been Playing a Role

This is what people like to call “ego death” because you realize that the role you’ve been playing in your life until now isn’t you. The story you’ve been living isn’t your authentic path. You see that you are something much more than this plot and this character. And you long to break free of the mindless role-playing to transcend the insanity of being human.

Other people will say that you’re crazy, and you may consider yourself crazy on their terms because they live in the physical realm only. But you will start to feel like they’re the ones who are crazy because they are living such meaningless lives. And this is a difficult spot to find yourself in — between worlds.

Identity Shifts

Spiritual awakenings can be terrifying because you don’t know what to base your identity on anymore. You’ve been trained to think that you are your belongings, your career, your family role, or your social status. Until now, you have never questioned these things.

Now, you have to face the fact that you are a soul that has infinite potential and these labels and roles don’t define you. You have to also realize that every choice you’ve ever made is incredibly meaningful to the universe.

So, when you’re awakening spiritually, remember that it’s normal to feel crazy. Losing your mind is one of the signs of spiritual awakening. You’re losing your mind because the old way wasn’t working and a new mind needs to enter that space. You’re going crazy in a normal way — following in the footsteps of many who have been through this before you.

When you question your sanity, it usually means you’re an intelligent and discerning person who isn’t crazy. Just keep going. Embrace the unknown, and keep questioning reality and yourself.

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

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