Why You Keep Seeing Repeated Numbers Like 111
Why You Keep Seeing Repeated Numbers Like 111

Why You Keep Seeing Repeated Numbers Like 111

Image credit: Canva

Synchronicities mean that things are going well

Some people say that when you’re seeing repeated numbers like 111, it’s your angels or spirit guides trying to tell you a message. These are exciting times! Some will look for the meaning in a very focused google search that produces convincing articles telling them exactly what to think about those numbers, resulting in even more confusion about what they’re doing right or wrong.

Articles that you might find on this topic contradict each other. They are sometimes vague. It’s easy to overthink it and get in our heads about it. There has to be a logical reason for everything, right?

Don’t do this to yourself. Does it really do you any favors to analyze the numerology and meanings behind these synchronicities to the smallest detail? I’d really like to know. But I also want to give you another way to think about it.

When you see the numbers, let go and don’t overthink.

Numbers aren’t real. Everything is in your mind. So, when you start waking up, your reality changes. It shifts. It converges. The focus shouldn’t be on the numbers, it should be on your consciousness. Let me explain.


I’ve noticed that as I become more aware of who I really am, my purpose, and the fabric of reality, things start to make more sense. As part of that, things start to feel the same. There’s sameness. The same kinds of things happen or cross your path. The same kinds of people keep showing up. The same storylines appear. It’s comforting. Reality can be so scary if we only see separateness in the world, but sameness gives us a blissful perspective.

So, when we experience this sameness, why wouldn’t the same numbers keep coming? Repeated sequences of anything are a form of synchronicity that is produced by convergence. If you accept that reality is our consciousness, it makes sense that numbers and other things would appear to us in new ways and with more alignment.

Sameness is convergence — things creating connections with one another.

Things become the same the more you raise your consciousness because you are understanding more and more that there is oneness in everything.

Alignment and Purpose

The numbers that appear in sequences repeatedly are a sign that your Earthly path is in alignment with the rest of the universe. As we live in this physical reality, it is so easy to become disconnected from who we really are. We forget that we have a purpose here. Separation takes hold of the best of us so we can’t feel our true desires anymore. It’s common to live in darkness because we fear risk-taking and a life of freedom where no one is there to catch us if we fall.

As we get the courage to step into authenticity and live out our true life purpose, the numbers begin to come. Synchronicities cross our paths all the time. They will become more frequent as we align more and more with our own higher selves and the greater desires of the universe. Reality is converging. It’s focusing energy on your perceptions of reality, which are becoming nicer, and this is all because you made the brave choice to express your true self.

This new focused energy creates convergences which results in seeing repeated numbers like 111.

We’re part of a collective consciousness. When you’re working on a way to elevate yourself and others, then generally, you’re aligning. Things start converging.

Your Soul

Your own soul creates these repeated numbers. They’re signposts given by your higher self. As your soul aligns with its source — the universal soul — and your physical existence aligns with the soul, signposts are created spontaneously to show you that you’re on the right path.

It’s like those little lights in a movie theater that light up the walkways to the exit doors. They guide you. They tell you that you’re on the right track.

You’re guiding yourself. This is your soul at work. As you stop resisting and just let things flow, your higher self is able to move in harmony with your consciousness, which is your reality. Things just happen with more ease. All aspects of your life converge and events seem less scary. Life really starts to make sense. It’s a beautiful, blissful place to be.

Let your soul guide you and you can’t go wrong.

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