Although it may seem like your current lifetime is all there ever was and will be, the truth is that you are a being that has experienced many lifetimes. There is so much more to be known about yourself. Most people have conscious access to such a small amount of memories in comparison to all of the memories of their past lives that the soul accumulates on its journey. Each of your lives and their memories contribute to who you are now as a person. The soul requires many lifetimes to learn its lessons and to ascend to the next plane of existence.
You’ve been here before. You’ve lived many lifetimes. What an adventure, am I right? And you now find yourself within one chapter of one story that will one day end so that the next one can start. But this is an anthology spanning countless stories, and the universe keeps track of your progress. You have played many characters but the goal is always the same — to ascend.
When your soul has learned all it can from human life, it exits from the process of reincarnation and begins a new cycle of existence on a higher plane of consciousness. But to get to that stage, enlightenment must be reached in all of its glory. Total inner peace and understanding must be maintained. It takes a lot of work. It won’t happen in one or two lifetimes. And to be honest, what would be the fun in that anyway?
The Purpose of Reincarnation
Reincarnation entails that your essential self is not physical. You have been a man and a woman before, and even animals. The bodies you’ve animated are temporary homes. What matters to “you” is the soul — an energy field of great potential that is constantly evolving. The most important things here on Earth are what you’ve learned and what you choose to do with your wisdom.
When you die, you eventually find yourself at the beginning of a whole new adventure, eager and ready to take flight. Nothing of value exists in physicality, in fact. All of what you came here to find is immaterial. Your treasure is your soul wisdom.
You came here to evolve and ascend on the planes of consciousness. You’ve accepted the challenge to become divine while also inhabiting a human body — a feat that is very difficult to achieve. Thank you for being here.
Soul Evolution
We have to experience the full spectrum of human emotions and situations in order to even want to reach enlightenment. To value the enlightening consciousness that we find between death and birth, we must have it taken away over and over so that we can long for it. This is why we’re here.
The insanity on this planet provides a perfect staging ground for this journey. The lessons here are like no other; we have to keep faith in the darkness and find love in a hopeless place. We are tested over and over again by perceived separation from source.
Only by gaining courage, moral aptitude, spiritual wisdom, and self-awareness can we make the most of each life we have on Earth. Your time here is a gift. The more challenging your trauma in this lifetime is, the more you’re learning. Perhaps you signed up for this particular brand of insanity and your soul is celebrating your endurance, because inevitably, it leads to higher levels of consciousness.
You just keep evolving here. You really can’t mess it up. Even when it seems like you’re backtracking, the soul is still learning. Every time you falter on the path, the universe rises up to give you the exact experience your soul needs to do the “make-up work”.
Do the Work Now
It may take many more lifetimes before you get to your destination. But while you’re here in this lifetime, why not try to better yourself?
None of the “stuff” here in material form matters because it disappears when you move on to the next incarnation. So, release attachments to it all now. Stop worrying. Stop trying to control everything, too.
You can plant the seed now, but it may take lifetimes to grow. If you do inner work now, you will awaken to it in the next life. Your place in the journey won’t be lost when you die. It will be brought with you to the next place.
Perhaps in this life, you’ve been awakened to the fact that you’ve done a lot of the work already. The soul of a person on the spiritual path doesn’t forget, and at the pre-destined time, the awakening will occur, bringing back wisdom to your waking consciousness that you didn’t think you had. It is buried in your energy field, waiting for the right moment to come to the light. And this will occur again in the next life, bringing with it any wisdom you’ve achieved in this one.
One day, you will reach the Great Beyond and ascend to a place where your level of consciousness no longer requires a physical body to continue on the path. In that case, you may choose to come back here to help the collective, or you may help humanity along in its evolution process from the higher planes.
What can you do right now in human form? Find wisdom, embody it, live a well-intentioned and compassionate life, and help others ascend. Nothing else really matters.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.