Protecting your energy is not really necessary. You’re already protected.
I just returned from a psychic conference at the Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach. There were several speakers including Echo Bodine, who was impressive. But there were other talks in the program that focused on how to develop and handle psychic abilities — namely, intuition — and I was disturbed by the number of times the presenters recommended “protecting your energy” when dealing with psychic activities.
I spend a lot of my focus teaching that everything should come from a place of love. We should not be instilling fear in others about things that they can’t see, hear, or touch. We ourselves have to be vigilant not to give in to irrational fears as well. This kind of thing can send us spiraling into paranoia about being ‘attacked’ by negative energies.
Our efforts are of far better use in the world to increase love and compassion, not to focus on whatever is wrong in the universe that can hurt us. Whatever there is to fear in the spiritual realms has a counterpart on Earth in the physical realm — “As above, so below”. Just as you would be better off not thinking about whatever you have to fear in this realm, you shouldn’t focus on what there is to fear in the higher (or lower) realms. You can choose to be someone who exudes light or someone who is constantly worried about what someone (or something) is going to do to them.
It was interesting that these conference speakers never told the audience what they needed to fear. What would happen if I simply ignored their advice and never “protected my energy”? This was never made clear. I currently do psychic readings and I have never experienced anything negative that I attribute to a psychic attack of any kind.
So, it made me start to worry about why these people are spreading these messages. Are they just regurgitating what spiritual people have said in the past without knowing why they do these protection rituals? Or are they really afraid of some unseen adversary?
I wanted to add my voice to the collective to give a counterargument. There are no voices telling people that you have nothing to be afraid of. No spiritual leaders are telling people that protecting your energy isn’t necessary because you are made of light. Let’s stop spreading fear.
This is an exercise in fear.
When you suggest to someone that you need to set boundaries and protect yourself, you’re instilling fear instead of love. You’re spreading more fear in the world. So, think about it carefully before you choose to express this idea.
Boundaries are an expression of separation. Separation is what the ego experiences so we can be individual humans in the world instead of souls that intertwine easily. But all fear emanates from separation. When you feel unsupported, disconnected, and lost, you start to have thoughts that help protect you — which is normal. But we need to remember that it’s coming from a place of fear, not love. When you embody total love, you need no protection.
When we choose to see ourselves as being attacked — by anything physical or nonphysical — we have to stop and think about the fact that we don’t feel connected to the universe. If we did, we would have no fear. People who constantly feel like they need boundaries because they’re a victim of some kind of attack — whether it be from a living person or a mysterious spirit — need to realize that they aren’t living from the soul level where everything is love.
Whenever we choose to erect boundaries or shields against other energies, we are exercising our fears and sense of separation. But separation is an illusion. We are one with everything in existence.
You’re already protected.
You don’t need protection because the universe already protects you. You have a spirit guide team working tirelessly to keep you safe. You have God and the universe watching over you. To scramble around trying to protect yourself is silly. You’re showing the universe that you don’t trust it.
If you trust and surrender to what’s happening in your path, you are embodying the protection that is always given to you freely by higher powers. When you choose to show a lack of trust, your spirit guides shake their heads and wonder why they even try to help you because you’re choosing to take matters into your own hands. When you act like you don’t need them, their help is not effective.
You don’t need extra protection. We were all born with it. It’s when you stop trusting and make choices that rail against the path that the universe has opened for you that you encounter problems. The only times you experience hardship is when you aren’t aligned with the universe and you’re trying to make up your own story here. But when you align with your true path and trust that the universe has your back, you need no extra protection.
Just surrender.
There’s nothing to be protected against.
Whatever demons exist are actually coming from within the human psyche — not from somewhere “out there”. What you fear is “in here” with you. You can’t protect yourself against something that originates within yourself. You just have to face it and heal it.
People who think that an energetic attack from a malicious source is possible don’t understand oneness. We are all connected. Everything you experience in the world is a mirror of what is happening within you and on higher planes. Everything is part of you. It’s all happening for a reason because the universe is a loving place. It’s giving you exactly what you need right now. Protecting your energy is a futile activity.
There is nothing to be protected against because you are already protected. You are already guided. Nothing you experience is an accident. If you choose to live in fear, then the protection you need is against yourself.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.