Meditation for Software Engineers
Meditation for Software Engineers

Meditation for Software Engineers

How to face both failures and the unknown with calm.

Meditation for engineers
Image created using Canva

Software engineers create interfaces, programs, and experiences that appear effortless to the user, and attempt to make the lives of many people better. Despite what they have in common across companies and industries — a software engineer often remains unseen. They remain under pressure because they are constantly either making things work better or fixing broken things. I have written a lot about meditation, but since I was a software engineer and saw this pressure daily, I thought I would share my approach for people in the industry. Meditation for engineers is something that is sorely needed. I hope it eases a few minds.

So, close your eyes, maybe start up your aromatherapy of choice and some easy music, and focus your mind on the following things. (Maybe you should read them first before closing your eyes.)

Fail Gracefully

In software engineering, we discuss the best ways to allow our code to ‘fail gracefully’ so that the user doesn’t see hints of the collisions going on in the back end. So, how come we don’t talk about ourselves failing gracefully? In order to free space in your mind and live more fully, you need to expect failure.

You are not perfect. Focus on that. You will make mistakes, and you will handle them with grace. Visualize yourself making a mistake. Turn around your reaction to it; feel no shame or alarm. Move toward the solution to your problems with smoothness and with an open heart. The next time you fail at something, you will be better.

Forgive Yourself

One of the most difficult things for us all to do is to forgive ourselves. Our jobs are demanding and we are human. We have families, hobbies, and activities outside work that bring us joy and make us whole. We make mistakes in our code and sometimes they have great repercussions on the overall system. Instead of seeking forgiveness from others, start with your inner world.

You can stop working after eight hours in the day and enjoy living your life. Forgive yourself for that, and give yourself permission. You can own the fact that you are going to break some production code someday, and you will forgive yourself. You are doing your best. It’s going to be okay.

Stay Still Amid the Rush

Working in tech, especially at a startup, can be the source of ongoing stress. The office and/or the Slack workspace can be teeming with activity, demands, alerts, urgencies, ups and downs. But your mind does not need to be mirroring these things. You can stay calm amid the hustle and bustle. Focus on being like a rock; observing but not participating in stresses and emotions. You will see and think more clearly, and very likely become more productive.

Just stay still.

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Engineers often work in high-pressure jobs, and that can be exciting. But it can also take its toll on our health. Please take moments every day, throughout the day, for yourself. Find your stillness, forgive yourself for failures, and when you do fail, do it gracefully and with love.

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