How Can You Live Your Soul Purpose More Authentically?
How Can You Live Your Soul Purpose More Authentically?

How Can You Live Your Soul Purpose More Authentically?

live your soul purpose authentically
Image credit: Canva

You know what you’re really meant to be doing and stop spinning your wheels.

Most people appear to be living from the ego level, unfortunately. We’re programmed from a young age to think we can derive happiness from things outside ourselves. We’re constantly searching for something to satisfy us, bring us joy, or make us numb. What would it take to live your soul purpose?

We are often hopeless consumers. We believe anyone who comes along and tells us that we can’t live without a certain appliance, convenience, or object. We usually think that when we’re sad, we can eat something delicious, and that will cheer us up. We’re brainwashed to think that if we have a partner, they will make us happy — otherwise, we will be lonely. We’re fed the idea that it’s normal to live mindlessly and it’s okay to be endlessly searching for the next thing to give us temporary joy.

Living from the ego means we are in a constant struggle to stay afloat with temporary highs we get from acquiring things and people in our lives.

Don’t live from the level of the ego. Doing this means you are in perpetual movement, distracted, stressed, and unable to look within yourself. The ego doesn’t let you stop and wonder what would really fulfill you.

Instead, live from the soul level. Sit in silence, know yourself, and understand that all the happiness you need is already within you. Once you realize this, you can start to make a real impact just by being present. You can rise above petty ego problems and act out of love instead of fear.

Know Your Real Purpose

Getting in touch with your soul opens doors for you to understand why you’re here. What’s your mission? What’s your deepest desire? What’s your purpose on Earth?

When you live from the soul level instead of the ego level, all the fake life purposes you’ve identified for yourself will disappear. I’m talking about things like your dream to become an accountant and your big idea to make an app that helps people date based on their favorite snack foods. These are attachments your ego has to things that make it feel secure.

But, no. Your dreams of “success” aren’t your soul’s purpose. The soul is only here to help others and elevate humanity somehow. How can you use your unique gifts and talents to make a difference to someone else in a meaningful way?

Do Things Without Fear

We often fear what people will think of us if we take the leap into a new life. Or, we are afraid of having no financial stability and starting again from rock bottom. We’re afraid of having no identity if we don’t have our hobbies and status. There are so many fears preventing people from living their authentic, soul-level life.

Stop being afraid. Stop caring about “what if” and how you’ll be seen. When you express your pure self from the soul, people will see a light in you. They will flock to you. Someone out there needs what you have to offer.

Stop spinning your wheels. Do something now. When you live from a soul level, you’ll have no fear that what you’re doing is exactly right.

Take Intentional and Focused Action

When we are unfocused about our actions and choices in life, our energy is scattered. You have to decide what you want to do. You have to choose a path. Stop sitting on the fence. Commit to something. Live your soul purpose.

Commit to taking the action that your soul wants.

Focused energy brings abundance. The energy you put into the world comes back to you tenfold. I’ve seen it happen many times. Your soul knows what it wants and you need to listen to your heart to know it. It seems crazy that most people aren’t in tune with their soul desires and therefore aren’t focused on what would really make an impact in their lives.

We are often lost, wandering around hoping for inspiration and something to surprise us with meaning. We want things to just happen to us instead of going after them.

You can decide your own meaning for yourself and make surprising choices that give your life significance. Your fate is in your hands, you don’t have to wait for it to happen to you. The fear can’t get in the way and you have to be in touch with your true purpose.

Living from the soul level will eventually lead you toward a very focused goal one way or another, and you must have the courage to pursue it. Live your soul purpose today.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. For more about me, have a look at my website. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

Check out everything I offer here.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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