Energy Attracts and I’ll Tell You How
Energy Attracts and I’ll Tell You How

Energy Attracts and I’ll Tell You How

The law of attraction: you will be amazed by the ways abundance manifests in your life

law of attraction manifestation
Image created using Canva

I first learned about manifestation and the law of attraction last year, having never considered that such things could be real. I was a skeptic and an atheist. But since then, I had an awakening, received messages from the universe, and started understanding how energy attracts and dreams can manifest. A series of very exciting and inspiring events began to occur, pointing to a new life path — one more aligned with my true purpose and dharma — and for me, there is no denying that once you change your mindset and vibration, you begin to attract completely new energy in your vicinity. You begin to change your life and the universe allows the manifestation of things that will assist you.

It is unbelievable when it begins to happen.

The transformation feels absolutely certain, beyond explanations you can provide to other people. It is deeply personal. To others who have not experienced it yet, miracles seem impossible, but you know in your heart of hearts that you are experiencing incredible things. Good energy attracts good energy, people begin to appear in your life who you need for your new journey, money appears if that is what is required for your purpose, and inexplicable events transpire.

Now, you may think that this sounds like some sort of magic. It is simply outside the realm of your known world, outside what science can predict, and outside common sense to conceive of energy attracting and dreams manifesting. My response to this would be: yes. It really does seem like magic. It feels like a miracle.

Let me explain what has been happening to me.

Meeting a New Neighbor

When I began to emit a different kind of energy, I found myself smiling at strangers and wishing every living being well, even when they don’t notice me there at all. I used to go around in the world with fear of people and what they’d do to me, but no more! I try to let my light shine.

One effect of this energy change was that some strangers take immediate notice of me, and when we begin to speak, it becomes blatantly obvious that it was meant to be.

A few days ago, my daughter and I were walking on the grounds of our apartment complex. A beautiful woman with big curly hair was walking her little dog, and we were the only people around. Smiling at each other was all we needed, and we stood there and told each other about our lives for about thirty minutes. It was incredible. Especially in this era of pandemic fear, it’s a true treat to have a random conversation with a stranger. It’s amazing for someone else to want to speak with us instead of running away or yelling at us for not wearing masks. It’s even more amazing that she wanted to talk about holistic health and the importance of nature in our lives.

But was it really random?

I don’t believe this is a random occurrence. No. These things are happening because my shift in energy created a shift in energy directed toward me. This is a trend. More conversations are happening, and I make real, human connections on a daily basis. My life is full of abundance all of a sudden.

RuPaul on MasterClass

The two major idols of my adulthood have been Deepak Chopra and RuPaul. I’ve already written about the synchronicities involving Deepak that led to my current state of abundance. Only recently has it become apparent that my obsession with RuPaul was no accident, either.

What I’m talking about right here is true fandom. In 2008, I heard about this new show called RuPaul’s Drag Race that was going to air, and I’ve watched every episode since. I’ve cried while watching several episodes because RuPaul touches my soul. I have watched other shows by RuPaul, follow him on Twitter, read about him, and downloaded all of his songs on iTunes. Okay? I’m a big fan.

All of this means that it makes no sense that only now I would discover that RuPaul is actually highly spiritual and believes all the same things I do about mindset, the universe, and energy. Just a few days ago, I started RuPaul’s course on MasterClass, the first time I’d seen anything by RuPaul in a year. The whole first half of the course is about “finding your frequency,” inner purpose, meditation, and many other things that I strongly believe in. I would have never even done a course on MasterClass if my employer hadn’t gifted me a subscription for Christmas.

This can’t be a coincidence. It only makes sense to me if I accept that my shift in energy created this discovery, because only now I was ready to hear it. It only makes sense that I was originally drawn to RuPaul because he was a beacon of spiritual awakening, leading me to where I now stand in life. These types of discoveries are happening to me all the time now.

Finding a Temple Down the Street

So, I’ve been reading this fascinating book called Autobiography of a Yogi, written about Paramahansa Yogananda. It has already changed my life and I am only a quarter of the way through it. Every page is an inspiration. I hang on every word. It has helped me develop spiritually in enumerable ways. I might go as far as to say that it is the most influential book of my entire life.

All of a sudden, a few days ago, I came across a link to the Self-Realization Fellowship’s location in my area. I think it was while I was doing a GoogleMaps search for something totally unrelated, and it popped up in a list of results. You probably won’t believe this, but their Washington, DC center — not just a ‘meditation circle’, but the major center for several states — was always just down the street. Literally a mile from where I live. Just a couple of miles from where I grew up. I mean, you’d think it would be downtown, not in a small suburb of Maryland in a residential area. You’d think it would be anywhere else.

I know this probably doesn’t seem impressive to you, but if you were living it, the significance of this discovery would be undeniably well-timed. It would mean something to you. Trust me. I went through a process of higher awareness, and all at once I find something in my neighborhood that’s always been there, which could have always held deep meaning for me. But it only does so now.

Why? Because now I am self-realizing.

It’s Undeniable

Once you start to change your energy levels and submerge yourself in gratitude, you see change around you. Synchronicities have a personal meaning that convinces you of a higher force that’s making connections for you in order to push you closer to your highest self. You may not believe any of this if you haven’t experienced it, but I hope that you do soon. Just a subtle shift in mindset from a state of lacking to a state of abundance — from a state of negativity to a state of gratitude — and you will experience the world in totally new ways. Things manifest. Opportunities materialize. People are magnetized toward you, and they want to help you.

All you have to do in order to take the first step is to believe it’s possible.

The man form is higher than the angel form; of all forms it is the highest. Man is the highest being in creation, because he aspires to freedom.

Paramahansa Yogananda

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