Why You Keep Seeing Repeated Numbers Like 444
Why You Keep Seeing Repeated Numbers Like 444

Why You Keep Seeing Repeated Numbers Like 444

keep seeing repeated numbers like 444?
Image credit: Canva

The first thing you usually notice are numbers. It could be anything like 22’s and 444’s — or even sequences like 123123 and 12:12. But it’s not enough just to notice. You have to think about why it’s happening. Why do you keep seeing repeated numbers? What are you doing right?

It’s overwhelming, sometimes, to process the number of synchronicities and coincidences that you see. You may notice them coming in fast, repeatedly grabbing your attention. It’s so tempting to be amazed by them and then go right back to your normal life. But don’t do nothing about it, please. Do something.

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You are being called to pay attention. Change your life.

The repeated numbers reveal your alignment with the universe. They are signposts showing you how to move even further into alignment.

Maybe you took the first step toward your spiritual enlightenment and the universe took notice. The alignment began. So, the numbers and other weird coincidences started happening to you. If you ignore it, you risk mindlessly going back to your old way of life.

Stay on the path. Bring more parts of your life into alignment.

If you recently said ‘no’ to someone trying to come into your life who would diminish your personal power and life mission, then that could be the trigger that started it. If you recently made a career choice that brings you closer to really helping humanity, this could have been the trigger. If you started focusing on family more and less on your own self-centered pursuits, this could have been the starter for it all.

But what if you worked hard to bring all parts of your life into alignment? The numbers call on you to ask this question. They bring important things to your awareness about your existence. You have to question why you’re doing anything you’re doing.

What if you stopped making excuses for why you can’t pursue your dreams? What if you stopped blaming your sorrows on other people? What if you totally changed your whole life and did meaningful work every day, surrounded by people who have the same values as you?

What if you ate your spiritual broccoli?

The numbers are merely symptoms of a greater event going on in your life. They show that you’re asking the right questions. You’re thinking about the right things.

Yes, there’s a right and a wrong with all of this. Right is anything aligned with your soul’s passions. It usually has something to do with bringing humanity together and healing. Wrong is when you live in fear by devoting your time and energy to things meaningless to you. Building assurances against what you fear, you lose time by focusing on all the wrong things.

The repeated numbers you’re seeing show you that you’ve made some kind of shift that is right. It’s starting. If you keep moving into alignment, expanding your soul’s work, you will see more and more synchronicities. You will be so aligned that they won’t be a surprise anymore. You’ll get used to great “coincidences” happening all the time to you.

So, press on. Take the numbers as validation that you’re doing great, spiritually. You keep seeing repeated numbers because you’re coming into alignment.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. For more about me, have a look at my Services and Bookings. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

Check out everything I offer here.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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