How to Wake Up to Reality
How to Wake Up to Reality

How to Wake Up to Reality

how to wake up to reality
Image credit: Canva

If you’ve found yourself reading this sentence, then this is a sign that you are being divinely guided. Your guardian angels want you to wake up. The universe wants you to wake up. I want you to wake up, for goodness sake. Why? Because one more awakened person in the collective of humans is a powerful thing. So, let’s talk about what it means to wake up to reality.

Waking up is a phenomenon that is deeply personal, and it can mean many things. Your experience of waking up will inevitably be different from mine, which makes life very interesting. In fact, it’s so interesting to me that I wish you would drop me a comment here to tell me how it’s going for you. There’s nothing I’d rather hear about.

The basic idea, however, is that you are jolted into a new perception of reality, just like opening your eyes for the very first time. The memories of the past feel like you’ve been trapped in a dream, like in the matrix. You won’t feel a connection with some of your decisions or behavior anymore. Some of the situations you find yourself living within will become unbearable with your new experience of consciousness.

How and when this happens can differ wildly between people. Your level of awakening also depends on your ability to open your mind.

I have never heard of anyone choosing to wake up and intentionally getting there. It’s usually a huge shock. It won’t happen at any convenient time, either. Get ready. You may be reading this because the universe wants you to be prepared for your awakening. It’s going to be a wild ride.

I love to help people on this journey. Nothing gives me more joy than to be a spiritual guide. Let me assist you.

So, how does one prepare? How can you make the most of your awakening if you find yourself amidst one right now? I’ll tell you.

Book a spiritual coaching session with me! I am looking forward to helping you on your journey.

Prepare to Let Go of Everything That You Think Matters

Spiritual awakening means that you step into a new mindset — completely. You have to leave behind all the assumptions you had about reality until now. Usually, they include these ideas:

  1. The universe is random
  2. There’s nothing beyond what your five senses tell you
  3. Science can explain everything in existence
  4. There’s a lot of evil and bad happenings in the world, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Start questioning these assumptions. Maybe you can get a head start on your awakening and figuring out how to wake up to reality.

These ideas form the foundations of your reality. Most people refuse to examine or remove those foundations because as you can imagine, it means that the entire house will fall down. Only very brave people are willing to pull the foundations out from underneath and watch reality crumble.

After you’ve demolished your perception of what’s real, you can start to rebuild. You will undergo some tumultuous times, but the end result will be beautiful. You’ll live in a house full of light and wonder.

What I’m trying to tell you is that there is more to reality than you can tell with your five senses or with science. There’s a deep meaning in every single thing that you experience. But you won’t understand this unless you’re willing to get it all crash and burn first.

Admit That There Are Greater Forces At Play

You have spirits watching over you. Yes, you. We all do.

They could be called spirit guides or guardian angels. Maybe you call it “the universe” or “Spirit” or God. These are just words. It’s all the same.

To awaken, you must get to know these forces that are with you on your life path. Only you can have this relationship with them. No one else can confirm their presence and communicate with them the way you can. And part of your awakening will be receiving messages from them. Learn to listen to your intution.

Attune yourself to your intuition. Listen inward. Trust yourself.

Likely, your awakening will feature repeated numbers and strange occurrences that you can’t ignore. Songs on the radio might be speaking to you. These synchronicities will make you stop in your tracks. Your guides have determined that it’s time for you to wake up, so the signs will start coming in fast. The more you open yourself to them, the more frequent they’ll get.

Soon, you’ll be able to ask questions and get answers whenever you want. You’ll learn the rhythm of the conversation with the forces beyond the physical.


Most importantly, in your awakening journey, you must surrender. Give up trying to struggle against things. Go with the flow. You might endure some very hard situations such as losing your job or your relationship, but you must learn to trust that this is the universe’s plan for you. When you start waking up, that’s when miracles happen.

For miracles to happen, first you must lose some things you thought you needed and give in to the trust in the process.

So, let go of your assumptions, realize that there are forces at work that you simply cannot see, and stop struggling against the current. Flow with it. Trust it.

You are loved and supported, even when things seem horrible. You have to realize that everything happens for a reason. You already know how to wake up to reality, you just need to look deep within.

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