I’ve been feeling so aligned lately, and I have reflected on why that is the case. I always want to help others get to a state of peace and inner love, so I wanted to offer some of the wisdom I have acquired along the way.
To be aligned with the universe, we must embrace our life purpose and inner longings. Your deepest soul desires are aligned with the desires of the universe — which are always about growth and evolution. As a human collective, we must keep getting better and learning about existence. If your life aligns with this greater purpose of the universe, then you are at peace. Things just start to work out for you and open up.
The ego blocks you from being aligned with the universe because it directs your attention to separation and individuality, which is aligned with its own smaller desires. Your ego just wants you to succeed, not the greater world.
It’s not just your career that matters in alignment. Your dealings with other people and relationships need to be aligned with the greater purpose of the universe. If you’re acting toward others with a sense of anger and disrespect, you can’t be aligned. This can be both in the personal and professional areas. Actions and choices must come from a place of love and care for humanity.
In this article, I will focus on professional alignment with the universe.
You may be intellectually aware of your purpose but you’re having a hard time living it. It takes great courage to step out of a career you’ve worked on for years to embrace a more spiritually-focused profession. The theme of this endeavor is letting go of fears.
Identify Your Fears
To let go of your fears, you have to first know them. This in itself takes great courage. Self-reflection is not something most people appear to be comfortable with. But when you’ve looked within to identify what’s holding you back from a fulfilling life, you will have taken the biggest step.
Money may be the issue for you. It was for me at one time. If you fear being poor and unemployed, then you have to confront this. It feels like a legitimate fear because most of human society has conditioned us to think we have to scramble and work hard on things we don’t enjoy doing in order to have financial resources. We’re also programmed to believe that success is the same as being rich. Think for yourself about whether this is true.
Maybe you fear what people will think about you when you start to express yourself authentically. I also had this fear. I didn’t like to imagine my friends and family in how they would react to my new persona — my “real” self. It’s a real fear because if you lose relationships with people close to you, your whole life begins to change. Change can be scary.
Whatever your major blockage is, you must own it and analyze it first — before you start to shed your fears. Know thyself.
Transcend Your Ego
Your ego wants you to acknowledge and act on fears constantly because it gets a temporary sense of security. If you do things that don’t make you happy but they seem to ensure that you are never poor, never alone, and have a healthy physical body, then the ego thinks you’re set for life. You have to get past the very strong urges to act on fears.
As you transcend your ego, you will start to do what you love fearlessly. Aligning with the universe can take great bravery in the beginning.
You’ll understand that things are better when you’re happy in every minute of your life — never wasting time on things you thought were painful but necessary. Focus only on what you know you need to be doing and ignore what’s irrelevant. Things will just start to work out for you because the universe is co-creating this beautiful journey with you . You both want the same things. This is what it means to be aligned with the universe.
So, transcend the fear that keeps you in your miserable job. Transcend the fear that you will lose friends who probably aren’t right for your new life anyway. Embrace the idea that life is short, there are no guarantees about how much time you have here on this planet in this incarnation, and you need to lift yourself up to a place that makes both you and the greater world happy. Take care of yourself because you’re a channel for divine manifestations.
Trust the Universe
When you take even just one baby step into the unknown so you can start to live your most authentic existence, you’ll notice that the universe immediately responds. When you speak your truth publicly, life starts to change. When you start working on projects that help other souls, opportunities present themselves.
You won’t have to put in the painstaking effort to find sources of income like you used to in your old soul-sucking career.
As you trust, the universe rises to meet you in the middle, helping you in your work effortlessly. As you become aligned, you gain trust in the universe. And it keeps responding to you, creating miracles. As this happens, you get more used to it and trust it even more. It’s a cyclical process that builds upon itself.
But the hardest part is the first baby step into trust. It’s like a blind leap of faith off a cliff. The universe will catch you in your descent. Only the fear is holding you back.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.