Don’t Be Afraid of Love
Don’t Be Afraid of Love

Don’t Be Afraid of Love

don't be afraid of love
Image credit: Canva

If you know what unconditional love is, then you are one of a very people few on this planet who understand it. Most love that you will find here, in this period of time in human evolution, is conditional. It’s transactional. Romantic relationships are largely based on attraction to something that has no intrinsic value, such as physical appearance and material wealth. Many people also equate lust with love.

Love within families — usually from parents toward children — is often conditional because it depends on whether the person makes certain choices. As we grow up learning that love is conditional, it’s hard to re-program this belief when we start to enter into romance as adults.

It’s a jungle out there. Most people have no clue what love is. We hear of it in mainstream media all the time, through movies, songs, and stories. But what I’m seeing here on the ground is that people are terrified of love. They call it the “l” word and will do anything to avoid admitting feelings for another person. It’s seen as a weakness to care deeply for another person.

Love is not present in many romantic relationships you’ll encounter.

We’re constantly searching for what someone else can do for us and what we get in return from any relationship. But what if we just embraced the feeling of love and allowed the person to be and do what they want? One of the signs of true love is the desire to allow the person to walk their path and live their happiest life, even if it isn’t producing any benefit for you.

Love is powerful and it comes from a divine source. It’s what we all seek at a fundamental level. How can something that lives within all of us be so scary? How can such a human archetype as true love be so shunned? Why have we run away from the notion of love?

I met my divine counterpart a few years ago, and this is how I know what love is. It wasn’t a feeling that I got from his perceived love toward me; it was an awakening of my heart. I would have done anything for him. I would forgive him for any transgression. I accepted him the way he was, and always saw the highest potential in him for the greatest good. I wanted to be with him, but my greatest desire was to allow him space to thrive even if it didn’t involve me. I was awakened to the true love that was always inside me.

I had never experienced this kind of love before. I surprised myself at how strong this feeling could be. Love is transformational.

If he had been in another body, I would have still seen the spark. If we had both been wolves or whales, I know without a doubt that we would have recognized each other. Our attraction had nothing to do with physical bodies. Lust was not part of the love I experienced with him. It transcends space and time.

I know this well because he is no longer in a body. He is in the spirit world now. My love for him has not dissipated.

Maybe most people are scared of losing themselves into such an experience as true love. They are so attached to their identities that they aren’t willing to give them up, even for the most thrilling experience of a lifetime. They live on the surface level. A totally ego-driven lifestyle is encouraged by society these days.

Love allows you to rise above Earthly existence. Love is cosmic. There are no conditions when you love like this — the person doesn’t have to be with you. They don’t have to touch you. They don’t have to think about you. The love doesn’t depend on them loving you back. It need not be reciprocated.

Non-attachment to the love you get in return is the doorway to self-love. Release expectations.

If you have discovered cosmic-level love, don’t let it slip through your fingers. Don’t run away. It can be so easy to allow the ego to take over and give you all the reasons you shouldn’t love a person. The ego loves logic. It wants you to be scared of love.

Overcome the fear and transcend the physical-level drama. See past the noise of your own mind and the voices of others. They’ll tell you it doesn’t make sense. Real love rarely does. If love was logical and easy, it wouldn’t be worth anything at all.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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