The Dark Night of the Soul During Twin Flame Separation
The Dark Night of the Soul During Twin Flame Separation

The Dark Night of the Soul During Twin Flame Separation

dark night of the soul during twin flame separation
Image credit: Canva

For many of us, the separation period of the twin flame experience is nearly unbearable. It’s excruciating. This is the dark night of the soul during twin flame separation. It makes you feel like you’re losing your mind. It’s not a place anyone would desire to be. And yet, while you’re in it, it’s easy to overlook the fact that this is when all the magic happens for your soul journey.

Only in separation can you experience possibly the most immense spiritual growth of your entire life. It creates such an uncomfortable inner environment for you that you have no choice but to reconcile with it and choose a new approach to life itself. It’s painful growth. It shifts everything. It’s a catalyst for your self-love journey. In this period of time, you realize who you truly are.

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You Aren’t the Only One on This Journey

Your friends won’t understand. Your therapist may struggle with what you’re going through. You may hide it from your family because it feels like you’re going crazy. And yet, all of this is “normal” because so many of us have done the same — it’s an experience that is shared among strangers around the planet. Trust me, I know — I’ve talked to a lot of them. You feel alone but you’re strangely not alone.

If you’re in separation now, use this time to your full advantage. Open yourself to the universe to level up in any way it needs you to. Pray for healing and allow your life to change, even if it means some things have to fall apart. You know it’s all happening for a reason. The dark night of the soul in twin flame separation happens with twin flames for a very good reason.

Join the many others on this planet who are trying to heal.

Self-Love Is Scary

Practice self-love and don’t look back. The person you once were is no longer here. You’ve discovered the true meaning of love. And all you have to do now is apply it to yourself, which is one of the most terrifying, uncomfortable, transformational, and unexpected experiences of our lives.

Self-love is unexpectedly terrifying because it forces us to love our darkest parts.

Why is love so scary? I am surprised as much as you are because it seems like love is easy and it seems as though most people are loving life. But it is something that many of us struggle deeply with.

Separation Is Hard but It’s a Gift

The dark night of the soul is a time of transformation. Now you’ve been given the gift of an opportunity to heal your heart so you can let more love into it. Congratulations! If you’re “separated” from your twin flame, you’ve won the spiritual lottery. The universe saw you as ready for this insane rollercoaster ride. You’ve been given a mirror into your own soul. You can now love yourself. It will just take a couple of major adjustments. Identifying the problem is the biggest and first step.

Separation can be a period of darkness for a lot of us. Your emotions are valid. Let them all out. But set this intention: after all of the insanity you’re enduring, you will heal and be a better human because of this twin flame stuff. That’s what the collective requires. Move toward that destination.

I know you’ll come out on the other end of this tunnel stronger and more determined to live a fulfilling life.

Please remember that separation is an illusion — this physical reality presents us with its heart-wrenching possibilities, but you were never apart from this person. All of this here is set up to force you into an awakening.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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