Can Twin Flames Be Platonic?
Can Twin Flames Be Platonic?

Can Twin Flames Be Platonic?

The platonic twin flame: it’s not just about the romantic connection.
Image credit: Canva

Most people think that twin flames are a romantic experience, but it’s not always the case. A handful of my clients have experienced a purely platonic relationship with their twin flames. It’s not unheard of. This is because first and foremost, your twin flame is your best friend. I call it a cosmic best friend because they have always been with you. The romantic relationship isn’t the essential part of it.

What’s important isn’t that you’re attracted to each other. It’s also not that you are in love with them. The romantic and sexual aspects are peripheral to the overall soul connection. 

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Beyond the Physical Plane

Many of us desire to be with our twin flames romantically. When you are attracted to someone, this is a human-level quality. Only in our lower vibrational ego-based forms (and in a human body) can we have sexual desire. The romantic connection is also part of the human experience on the physical plane. It’s not necessary for the strong connection that you feel with them.

What if your twin flame was in another body? What if they were the same sex as you, or they were your sibling? What if they were gay and you were straight? You can imagine all sorts of scenarios. Would you still recognize the strong connection? Yes, I’m betting you would. The need for a romantic connection with your twin flame isn’t a necessary part of the journey. 

What if your twin flame was in the body of a dog or a cat? Wouldn’t you still feel their energy and love them deeply without the romantic and sexual aspects of the relationship? I know that personally, I would. 

What if your twin flame had “died” on this plane and left their body? Can you be physically attracted to a spirit? Do you really want to be in a committed romantic relationship with a disembodied energy? No, probably not. And yet, you would still feel the same level of love for them. That will never change. (Trust me, I know – my twin flame died.)

The Lesson: Love is Unconditional

The twin flame teaches you universal, unconditional love. It’s real love — beyond anything related to lust or commitment. It does not depend on them doing anything for you, being with you in a relationship, or even being in a body. It is divine.

It’s the type of love you can have for a best friend. Many of us reach beyond this level of friendly connection to try to fulfill the romantic relationship on a physical level, but as I keep saying, this isn’t an essential part of the experience. You can be platonic. 

Cosmic Best Friends

The most beautiful part of my twin flame journey has been realizing I have a best friend in the universe. I have a partner to travel with throughout the cosmos. I know there’s an entity out there who may not be in a physical body right now, but will be there in other lifetimes with me, and exists on higher planes with me at all times. It is a comforting feeling and requires no physical attraction or romantic relationship. 

So, if you are struggling to find a “middle way” with your twin flame where you aren’t in a relationship, in love, or able to have a physical connection, rest assured that a platonic relationship is not only possible, but it can be beautiful. Have faith. Understand that your segment of life in this physical body is temporary, but the soul connection spans eternity. Try to let go of and shed the desires you have that aren’t part of that greater soul journey

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Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Twin Flames and the Love Story Within (2022) and Twin Flame Transcendence (2023) are available on Amazon!

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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