Do You Believe in Twin Flames? That’s Enough.
Do You Believe in Twin Flames? That’s Enough.

Do You Believe in Twin Flames? That’s Enough.

Believe in twin flames and you change your life
Image credit: Canva

In the past year, I’ve had the pleasure to hear stories from countless people about their twin flames. I have concluded that all of these people are extraordinary simply because they believe in such a thing. Where most people prevent themselves from believing in true love, this small minority of people know what it really means.

Whether or not twin flames are real is irrelevant. The term is confusing and it is convoluted by all kinds of conflicting information on the internet about it. But all the details don’t really matter. The fact that twin flames could be real is amazing, and the fact that you believe they’re real is even more extraordinary.

Meeting your twin flame is quite a mind-blowing experience. It’s not always pretty. In fact, it usually isn’t. But having your mind blown is pretty fun if you ask me, even with the heartache that accompanies it.

Can you believe in love while love is smacking you down into the dust? If you can unconditionally love someone, this is nothing less than a miracle, especially someone who you can’t be with.

Twin flames teach you that unconditional, spiritual love is possible for all of us. They give you the opportunity to experience this deep level of love. When you’ve experienced it once, you are able to spread it to others. It sets off a chain of miraculous events. Imagine all of the people you can inspire with your ability to truly love!

If you can endure the heartache and pain of not being able to have a relationship with someone you love unconditionally, you can do anything.

Being subject to the pain of a twin flame experience while still believing in twin flames takes a very strong resolve. Daring to dream that you will find true love in your life is an act of courage. Putting your heart out into the world in vulnerability is truly inspirational.

So, if you’re pining for your twin flame, whether they be alive or dead, you’re a beacon of hope for many people. You’re my hero. Only the wisest and strongest of us can endure such pain and still believe. Only the bravest souls take the risk of true love in this world where we’re taught not to be vulnerable.

Don’t be scared of love — dive in! Believe in twin flames and invite in miracles.

Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a twin flame coach among other things. For more about me, have a look at my website or book a session with me.

I am also the author of Twin Flames and the Love Story Withinavailable on Amazon. You may also be interested in the Twin Flame Support Group that I run.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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