How to Live Life Fully
How to Live Life Fully

How to Live Life Fully

live life fully
Image credit: Canva

We’re taught to play it safe. It’s a very convincing message because it compels us to make careful plans, be practical, understand our limitations, and take out numerous versions of insurance against the unknown. In doing this, we might as well already be six feet under. Life, for some, is death. They’ve already chosen to deny themselves things that make their hearts sing for the sake of fear or money. Don’t let this be you. You’re not dead, are you?

No, you’re not.

You’re coerced into this mindset of caring what others think and what uncertainty can do to us through education and societal programming. It’s a form of hypnosis. But it’s killing you. Trading freedom for a life of worry and fear is an act of giving up your chance to truly live.

Fear of the unknown and the subsequent notion that we can prevent anything bad from ever happening is the real pandemic. It’s such an alluring message that we are willing to completely forget what our dreams are to join the herd of others who have totally given up. This is modern society, folks.

It’s a time of great fear in the human collective. We feel that we need to stay afraid all the time. If we don’t, people might say “I told you so” when things go horribly wrong, so we’d rather not risk it.

When you choose fear over your dreams, you’re choosing to live a mundane life. It’s like you’re just waiting to die. Might as well already be dead.

Life is so incredibly precious, so why chase notions that are about building walls and creating security? That’s boring. That’s death. Life is about expansion and creation. Life pushes past barriers and embraces new spaces.

Each of us has something in life that puts a sparkle in our eyes. We all have a different purpose in being here. It’s not the same for everyone. For some of us, it’s expression through art. For others, it’s building something that lasts for generations. Still others find extreme joy in helping animals. The list goes on — your soul’s unique purpose relates to some realm of life, and you will know it because it fills every fiber of your being with excitement.

And yet, many of us are encouraged not to pursue our passions, despite the feeling we have when we engage in the activities we’re meant to be doing. We’re told to deny our feelings. Intuition isn’t real — only things that are able to be scientifically proven are real. So, your soul isn’t real, or your life purpose, or any purpose. (This is the logic that is often used.) The universe is made out of chaos and everything going on is purely random, therefore, logically, it follows that we should be scrambling every waking minute to make sure we can control as much of our lives as possible.

Control is a big thing. The intellect gets very wrapped up in trying to create control where there is none. That’s why we do silly things like invest in retirement accounts and allow invasive preventative medical procedures — when we could be living in expansion instead, frolicking in meadows and exploring the wonders of life.

But you’re not dead, therefore you shouldn’t be chasing control. It’s an illusion anyway. The universe is co-creating this with you, and if you align with the greater purpose of existence, you will find that you don’t need control. It’s all unfolding exactly as it’s meant to. The universe will effortlessly lead you to situations that help you live fully without fear.

It’s when you try to force things to go a way they’re not meant to or refuse to surrender to the currents that are sweeping you along that things get uncomfortable. You have to realize you’re part of something bigger than yourself and you can’t re-direct the current. You’re part of it — just enjoy the adventure! That’s what it means to live a full life.

If you’d like to live as if you’re already dead, then you should spend your time stressing over things you can’t control. You should keep trying to show others that you have created your life through hard work you never liked, accumulating money that never brought you joy, and attaining security that removes any chance of beautiful spontaneity.

I don’t recommend living as if you’re dead, because if you’re reading this, you’re alive. Do something that a living person would do: embrace the unknown and surrender to the universe.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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