3 Dark Signs of a Twin Flame
3 Dark Signs of a Twin Flame

3 Dark Signs of a Twin Flame

dark signs of a twin flame
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The twin flame experience is a bit insane. It’s beyond painful. If you’re going through it, you already know. I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone in what you’re going through and that you’re not crazy. These are just the dark signs of a twin flame.

I’ve talked to countless people about their twin flame journeys in the past year as a twin flame guide. While these stories vary in how they unfold, there are some similarities between them — and they always blow my mind.

The experience is primarily spiritual in nature. You must remember that. This connection is awakening you, opening your heart, and changing your entire life on all levels. Twin flame stories always include an element of anxiety, mental meltdowns, and depression. It’s one form of the dark night of the soul. This is necessary for soul growth.

What follows is a list of signs that you’ve met your twin flame — things that normally aren’t talked about by people if they don’t fully grasp the experience. Twin flames bring you unconditional love but they also bring you darkness as you try to make sense of what’s going on.

Remember that this could happen to anyone. You might be a brain surgeon, a bus driver, a lawyer, a server at a drive-thru, or the CEO of a big corporation. You could be married or single. You might be in college or a grandparent. No one is safe from the twin flames. If it’s meant to happen to you, nothing in this world can stop it.

1. The Anxiety Starts

A common occurrence I’ve noticed in these classic twin flame stories is that the person has random, debilitating anxiety. It comes out of nowhere. If you know your twin flame, this may be happening to you, too. You could be having a regular day and nothing to worry about, and suddenly extreme anxiety descends upon you. Sometimes, it also will happen when you start to deny that this person is your twin flame and that anything significant is going on between you and them.

It could feel like the room is spinning. It could be uncomfortable butterflies in your stomach. It might also feel like a pain in your chest — your heart chakra feels like it’s oscillating. Whatever it is, your higher self is trying to calibrate to your new physical reality.

Other people will think you’re crazy if you tell them you’re feeling like this. You won’t be able to explain it. You may have a strong feeling that the anxiety is connected to your twin flame, and you’re not wrong. Maybe they’re having a hard time themselves, and you’re able to feel it.

Anything your intuition tells you is right — learn to trust it. Something is going on beyond the veil that isn’t visible on the surface of reality. Something is shifting with your twin flame.

If you can understand this anxiety on a soul level, you will be able to heal. It’s there to remind you that there’s more to life than meets the eye. You can’t run from this person; you must face this strange connection.

2. You Are Obsessed

When you know your twin flame, you have an obsession. You can’t seem to break away from thinking about this person. And yet, they are out of reach. For one reason or another, you can’t easily talk to them, let alone be with them.

You will likely start to feel like you’re losing your marbles because of this obsession. It’s all-consuming. It gets in the way of your normal functioning.

This person’s name seems to be everywhere, along with other reminders of them. You start to base life decisions on their existence. It may seem like you can’t stop at anything to get them into your life.

You’ll be so tired of the obsession that you’ll want to take a break, but you won’t really be able to. It’s going to drain you somewhat. But it’s all happening for a reason, so hang in there. It won’t be this painful forever. You have to sift through the spiritual significance of this event in order to get back toward sanity. It’s all part of an important process of awakening to a new level of consciousness and reality.

3. You Are Depressed as Hell

Twin flames are wild. It is a deep feeling of love but it comes with extreme pain. The depression will likely set in after the initial shock dissipates.

It will be hard to go on with life. You won’t feel like any human connection is quite the same. You will crave this person’s presence in your life. When you can’t have it, you’ll question everything. You’ll beg the universe to bring you the one person who can end this pain, and you’ll be angry that this perfect person exists but isn’t part of your life.

This is beyond sadness. This is spiritual depression. You are mad at the universe.

It’s hard to believe that meeting your twin flame could lead to such darkness, but this is part of the journey. It has to make you doubt everything so that you can build a new trust in yourself and the universe. It has to show you darkness so that you can see that there was always light within you. You must learn self-love. Nobody can complete you except you.

Meeting your twin flame isn’t perfect and lovely like many people would have you believe. It’s painful and heavy, and it’s mixed with enormous feelings of love like you’ve never had before. People who haven’t met their twin flames will just never understand.

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