Sometimes the Universe Doesn’t Make Sense and That’s Okay
Sometimes the Universe Doesn’t Make Sense and That’s Okay

Sometimes the Universe Doesn’t Make Sense and That’s Okay

The universe doesn't make sense
Image credit: Canva

Surrendering to the way things are is liberating when you do it right. We all have frustrations with reality that we’re trying to deal with. We all ask why things happen the way they do. If you’re determined to find answers, you may start to look for them through spiritual means, relying on psychics to provide them for you. But I just think that with some things, there just is no answer. Humans want things to make sense but maybe not everything does. The universe doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t always have to.

Our judgment as humans is clouded by the ego which craves order, logic, and stability. But our hearts know that there is another side of existence: chaos and the unknown. We have to learn to surrender.

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Oh, how we fear the unknown. We always want to gain control over our destinies!

What if you took this very moment—now — and just let go? What if you stopped worrying about how things will come out and just lived for right now?

Embrace the Unknown

There are things in this life that you may never understand. If you meditate a lot and ascend to a higher level of consciousness, you may someday know everything. This is sometimes called God Consciousness. But in that state of mind, you still may not be able to explain it in human terms. Reality and its workings don’t always adhere to the rules and laws we come to expect in our world. It’s just the way it is.

The sooner you embrace uncertainty, the sooner you will be free.

There just is no guarantee that you will find the answers you’re seeking or if they exist at all. Stop overthinking. Stop expecting things to make sense or even be knowable. Embrace the unknown.

The Nonsensical

Maybe there’s a reason we are thrust into this world where some things make sense and others don’t. Maybe there’s logic in the fact that everything doesn’t follow logic.

We may never know.

Miracles happen. And the opposite is also true — really awful things happen that seem unfair. When you’re awake to a state of awareness that everything is connected and contains meaning, you come to expect things to balance out and make sense. But maybe we don’t even know what “making sense” means on a grand scale.

Maybe from the perspective of the universe and all of its creation, what’s happening makes perfect sense. We just can’t see it from where we’re standing.

Letting Go

Surrender to the flow of life. You’ll find inner happiness when you let go of what’s happening around you. Release expectations. It’s absolute freedom.

It’s not easy to achieve this state. But it’s worth the endeavor.

Stop seeking answers at a certain point. It will drive you mad. Instead, relax and let the adventure unfold. The universe doesn’t make sense sometimes, so let it be. Let this plot take you where you’re meant to go and stop asking questions. You’ll die someday, trust me. And you don’t want to regret the fact that you were tense and depressed about all of this for a significant amount of time.

Enjoy the moments when things make sense and let go of the requirement that they must remain that way.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. I can help you transform the way you live your life. I have a master’s in philosophy which often helps when I write about consciousness. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

Check out everything I offer here.