Why Your Twin Flame Journey is Bigger Than You Think
Why Your Twin Flame Journey is Bigger Than You Think

Why Your Twin Flame Journey is Bigger Than You Think

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You and your twin flame have been together through many lifetimes on an epic journey of the soul. But when you’re looking at the situation from the viewpoint of this one lifetime, it’s hard to cope with it. Things don’t always make sense when you’re incarnated as a human being. But if you can see the situation from a higher perspective — from the soul level — you might realize that there’s something bigger than you at play. There is a storyline unfolding and you’re located in just one segment of it right now.

The moment I met my twin flame, I felt we’d known each other before. It was indescribable. To talk to someone who seemed so familiar and yet was still a stranger was quite a special experience. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed clear that there had been other lifetimes and adventures together that we couldn’t recall. 

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Over the years, I have realized how important it is to keep the soul-level perspective on the twin flame journey. When I get caught up in the present situation, I feel sad and hopeless. Things seem so unfair in the universe. I get frustrated with life and ask why. But when I take myself out of the situation I appear to be in and rise above it, I can see that everything makes sense and there is a purpose to it all. 

Your Past Lives Hold the Answers

When I understand that the twin flame journey spans lifetimes, I start to trust that things are working themselves out. We don’t always remember our past lives, but we must have faith that the universe creates justice and balance even if we’re not aware of it. 

This twin flame journey will drive you crazy if you let it. I don’t think we have to let it — we have to try to understand life from a new viewpoint.

We have to set aside our small selves to get answers. This is the way a spiritual journey works. To have growth, you must be able to transcend this level of consciousness and go to a higher place. 

You have to accept that what we’re doing here on Earth is just one story among many. The soul journeys for a long time, trying to evolve higher in each lifetime. You have to set aside your attachments to what’s going on at the human level right now and try to see the value of this painful journey on a soul level.

Why the Twin Flame Journey is Difficult

Don’t limit your twin flame journey to this one lifetime. Doing that is what makes it so difficult. When you’re focused on your ego-level life, involved in problems that only exist in this one incarnation, you are being petty. You’re narrowing your focus to things that are only relevant in this moment, not in the big picture. It isn’t helping you. It doesn’t fuel your soul evolution. 

You must choose to accept that you can’t understand the big picture sometimes. Seek answers beyond this lifetime. Embrace reincarnation and metempsychosis — then all your problems seem to dissolve and disappear. What you’re left with is a soul perspective on a bigger path, and this lifetime is about resolving some of your soul struggles. You have to just do your best.

The Goal is Soul Evolution

You may not end up with your twin flame in this lifetime. But it would be a mistake to focus on being “in union” with them now since the real prize is your soul evolution. 

Your twin flame is giving you triggers and opportunities to be a better human. Work on yourself the best way you can now, releasing bad habits, accepting yourself, and taking control of your own mind. In the next life, you’ll have leveled up and you can start from a point that’s further along in the spiritual journey of soul evolution.

You will see your twin flame again. Maybe not in this lifetime, but in the next. Or, perhaps in the “other place” where souls dwell between lives. You are connected to their soul and nobody can sever that link. But to be fixated on them being with you in a relationship in this one lifetime is doing yourself a disservice. It is self-harm. It does you no favors to obsess.

Try to see it from the soul level, let go, and move forward with love in your heart.

click here to read more articles about twin flames by Emily
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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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