Why do all jobs suck? There’s a spiritual reason for this. The universe doesn’t want you to be an employee. You should be working within your soul purpose.
I personally feel that the era of working for a boss is coming to an end. Employers exploit their staff, no matter how well-intentioned they are, because they want to make a profit. Employees are a commodity, and they’ll be fed any far-fetched, made-up stories about how they’re saving the world through their work in order to keep them productive. Meanwhile, in reality, each and every person who works for a CEO is only there to help put more dollars in their pocket — at the employee’s expense. I don’t know how I can possibly be the only person who sees through this insane system we’re in. I can’t be alone, can I?
We spend our lives becoming convinced that our role is to get a random education degree so we can fill some job in a screwed-up system that they’ll always convince you is very important. If you work in marketing selling hair products, your bosses will brainwash you to think that your work is invaluable to humanity. If you deliver Amazon packages, it’s in the company’s best interest to convince you that you’re changing lives — meanwhile you’re putting more dollars in the pocket of Jeff Bezos for minimum wage. (No one can really live on minimum wage.)
It’s all a big illusion that they’ve immersed us within — the top 1% who control the economy and reap its benefits will do anything to keep us blind and controlled.
It’s in the interest of the top 1% to convince you that your job is meaningful and that you love doing it. Remember that.
No one would ever get a college degree or a job at a company unless they thought it was essential to survival. We pay money into a really messed up education system to get a degree that we think we need to have a life — that is, to make money. But would anyone actually do this if they knew they could have a wonderful, fulfilling life and thrive without a degree or a job? They have us convinced that our careers are amazing things that fulfill us. But they really don’t.
I haven’t even mentioned how stressful jobs are. When you work for someone else, they normalize the stress and make it seem like a badge of honor. They chip away at your mental health slowly, often at the cost of your personal and family life, and act like money is your reward for putting up with rude bosses and assigned tasks that don’t make sense.
Nobody would be a marketing manager if they could be happy and make money doing something else, trust me. Nobody would be in a government office doing paperwork if they knew they could make a living doing something that thrills them. Nobody actually likes jobs.
We put up with jobs because we think that’s the only way to survive. It’s a mass delusion.
Now, schools and social systems all have us convinced that this is normal. It’s normal to be miserable forty hours a week and then die. But that doesn’t sound normal to me.
People are lying if they tell you they love their corporate job. If you own your own business or you’re the CEO, then sure, I believe you: you’re happy. But even then, you may just be offering clients and customers something you think the world needs without actually believing in it. Why do all jobs suck? Because they make you mindless.
What if we all quit our jobs tomorrow and pursued our dreams? What if everyone became an artist, musician, massage therapist, horse trainer, or poet? The list goes on. There’s something meaningful you can be doing right now that completely fits your skillset and helps a lot of people. If you’re not doing that as your profession, then I suggest you think for a second about why you’re alive on Earth.
People who say they love their jobs — when all they are fundamentally doing is helping someone above them make a lot of money — are delusional, in my opinion. If you’re making a fair wage (more than fair, I would hope) and truly helping people on your own terms without any nonsensical bureaucracy, then sure, you might love your job. I still want to see what you’d do if you quit and did your own thing.
Also, I would like to add that you deserve not only to do what fulfills you but to also have vacations and time off that helps you recharge and learn to really love life.
The universe supports people who work in alignment with their true soul purpose. You can’t go wrong by doing what you really believe in. Money is only energy that flows to you when you offer value. You don’t have to strategize and scheme to get money. You should never have to cheat anyone else to get money from them. It comes to you when you are offering people what they truly need. Trust me on this. Moreover, trust the universe.
The universe will support you and give you what you need to fulfill your purpose and live in alignment with the rest of existence.
I really do want to see what would happen if everyone quit their jobs at once. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. For more about me, have a look at my website. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Manifestation Meditation Course
Meditate, journal, interact, and learn about creating your reality with your mind in this Manifestation Meditation Course with Emily on Zoom. As a group, this is so much more powerful because we can pool our energies!