Why You Shouldn’t Waste a Single Minute of Your Life
Why You Shouldn’t Waste a Single Minute of Your Life

Why You Shouldn’t Waste a Single Minute of Your Life

What is the purpose of life?
Image credit: Canva

What is the purpose of life?

It’s really wild to imagine how this physical world came together through the mass organization of swirling particles that make up everything. Imagine how that has to work — every particle must know its place somehow. Everything, big and small is working together to hold this reality up. And on top of that, there’s a purpose.

Imagine that.

And you have a purpose.

Imagine the level of collective organization the universe requires to make all of this happen. It’s mind-blowing. Why don’t you see the miracle right in front of you?

It’s also very weird that there’s some great purpose that we’re all part of, and yet we are blind to what it is. Most of us are totally oblivious to its existence. We are living, walking, talking miracles. But we choose to look at reality as if it’s not that interesting.

People actually encourage each other to see life as a struggle. We’re trained to think there’s nothing beyond what the senses tell us and that nothing has meaning. When something unbelievable happens these days, people are so used to relying on a “scientific” explanation for it instead of seeing the unlikely and incredible properties of it.

It’s such irony. It’s absolutely hysterical. How can the actors be in a play without the awareness that they’re in it? How can we be so ignorant? Why don’t people see the purpose of life?

Particles and Waves

Quantum physics tells us that everything is made of particles and waves — indescribable things that can switch between those two states at any moment. Our whole existence is nothing like we think. We have to operate in a physical world in order to make all of this make-believe game possible, but at a fundamental level, we are nothing but particles and waves.

It’s strange to think that at the level we are normally conscious, reality is perceived as predictable and stable. There are laws of nature that tell us what we can expect. We rely on them a lot and forget that there’s magic in it all — because at a micro level, there’s a whole different story.


It might be too hard on your surface-dwelling mind to take all of this in right now. The building blocks of your reality need to come into question. Think about who you are, what you are, and why you’re here.

If particles and waves make up your “self” then what implication is there for your whole perception of your identity? Your body isn’t solid and stable — it’s fluid and dynamic. Solid objects are made up of energy. Your perception is a story your senses make up based on what’s perceptible at this level of existence.

But nothing is as it seems.

It’s Meaningful

The universe brought all of these particles and waves together, which painstakingly organize themselves intelligently to make up your world. They make up you. This is a miracle, and what are you doing with the gift of existence? Are you squandering it on having a soul-killing career and watching television all the time, or are you cherishing your existence by making the most of every minute?

The universe brought all of this together for you. Reality exists so that your life can be possible. While you’re here, don’t do silly things to embarrass yourself. Ask yourself, “what is the purpose of life?” and get on with your path.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. For more about me, have a look at my website. If this writing helps you, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

Check out everything I offer here.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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