What is Spiritual Depression?
What is Spiritual Depression?

What is Spiritual Depression?

spiritual depression
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Just because you are having a spiritual awakening doesn’t mean you feel like life is a beautiful adventure all the time. Just because you can see the truth doesn’t mean you must be happy about it. It can be lonely and bleak trying to navigate this life, especially when you see things from a higher perspective. Although there is great meaning in everything, it can be very frustrating to be in a human body.

Even though it is heavy, I wouldn’t say that spiritual depression is always sad. When you understand life in a new way and you know your purpose, this fills every moment with significance. It can be heavy or confusing, but it isn’t classic “depression” because there is an awareness that all life is precious and meaningful. We would never want to erase our own existence or waste life.

In my darkest hours since my spiritual awakening, I have often come close to losing faith in myself. But I have never lost faith in the universe. I know that I carry an obligation to become my best self while I’m alive. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here. So, it doesn’t feel “sad” like other times I’ve been depressed — before I had a spiritual awakening. Before I found my purpose, I would just become swallowed up in grief and disappear into the shadows for a while. 

Yet, for those of us who want so badly to help the rest of humanity, it can be dark. Many people aren’t ready to seek assistance, and those who are ready may still be engaged in self-destructive patterns. Or, they’re destroying the environment and taking everything for granted — using life and time on Earth as if it’s nothing. Earth is just a meaningless position for many people. 

When you see that we’re all one, it is very difficult to watch others engaged in such mindlessness. They’re not separate — they’re you. So, you’re literally watching yourself sink. 

Sometimes you have to wonder, why are we here if it’s just to watch the world burn?

Humanity seems to gravitate more toward war and hate than toward love and compassion. Why? To witness a part of the greater self hurting another part of the greater self feels like insanity. It’s a dark night of the soul indeed.

But there is hope. People like you and I are still here. And more of us are awakening by the day. We are a new army of love. We are a community of lightworkers and hope-bearers for the masses. Spiritual depression may come in waves, and no one can blame you when you need to take a day to reflect. But you must always come back because we need you. Come back stronger and ready to serve the collective.

This is why we must never, even in our darkest spiritual depression, latch onto negative emotions toward our fellow humans. Anger, jealousy, hate, and resentment help no one. We must have compassion. Whoever you cross paths with in your life is meant to be there, and either you must learn the lesson or help them learn one. You were in their shoes once — they will one day awaken, too. Be the reason they continue along their journey.

It’s all you can really do.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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