The twin flame comes into your life to provide a mirror for your soul. Sometimes, the only way you could have learned an important spiritual lesson is by interacting with them and seeing your own unhealed issues. It can be very difficult to navigate a twin flame relationship, but the spiritual boosts that it offers the soul are worth the suffering. The soul craves the kind of lesson that the twin flame presents.
By knowing my twin flame, I learned very important truths about myself. The soul learnings you gain from your twin flame connection are postgraduate-level. It’s deep. My shadow is still being explored, long after his death.
I reflect on his experiences as if they are my own — because in my perspective, his life is also mine. Sometimes it seems like I must learn lessons for two souls. The burden of a twin flame journey can be heavy.
One of my greatest lessons with my twin flame was about the darkness. I saw how depressed I can be at my core. I realized how far depression can go — and I can be the cause of my own demise if I am not careful. In him, I saw my ability to go too deep into a hole with my sadness.
I know I could slip and go “too far” someday. This icky truth was pushed out of my surface-level consciousness and into my shadow self. I didn’t want to see it. It’s terrifying how self-destructive I have the ability to become. This was a huge revelation for me. I do not take it lightly. I’ve been given the gift of understanding.
I learned this lesson for a very good reason. I can reflect on myself and figure out how to avoid a very dark path. Self-indulgence can be my demise — if I allow it. I know better now.
I must do my best to avoid a path into my darkness.
Your twin flame has much to teach you about yourself. If you allow them to be a mirror of your insecurities, you will grow. Make room for them to be a window into your shadow. You can learn so much. There are things we all have to heal. It’s all in you.
So, let your twin flame be your greatest soul guide. Even though it is often painful to see what is fractured inside yourself, they will give you the exact recipe for your transformation. You have to be brave to receive it.

Twin Flame Coaching
Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Buy the Book
Twin Flames and the Love Story Within (2022) and Twin Flame Transcendence (2023) are available on Amazon!

About Me
Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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