What Happens When a Twin Flame Dies?
What Happens When a Twin Flame Dies?

What Happens When a Twin Flame Dies?

What happens when a twin flame dies?
Image credit: Canva

Twin flames are deeply connected souls. While you’re here on Earth, you are pushing each other to grow and heal through a series of events that make no sense. When one of the twins dies, it usually still makes no sense but there will be some clarity at that time for the living twin — life “after death” will no longer be a question. Spirits persist after the change called death, and if it happens to you, you’ll know because your twin will be communicating with you hard.

If you’ve experienced the death of your twin flame, then you already know exactly what I’m talking about.

They’re still here. They’re standing right next to you right now. They didn’t go anywhere — and they’re everywhere. You’ll start to get downloads and messages that you can’t explain, and to most people, you’ll sound completely crazy. You feel loved and guided but you’re also experiencing phenomena you’ve never encountered before. It’s a lonely but beautiful journey.

The grief will be all-consuming for a while. If it’s not, then you need to stop and let it consume you regularly so that you can heal. You have to embrace the darkness to be able to come back toward the light.

And trust me, you’re still here for a reason. So, I don’t advise pursuing a train of thought that leads to self-destruction. These thoughts are natural for the deeply depressed and grieving, but you can’t let them win. You have a mission here to complete. (But you probably already knew that, too. Your twin will be sure to let you know.)

Everything happens for a reason and this happened to you for an important one. It’s not your time yet.

Your twin flame is on another plane, where you both always were. All of us have a higher self — a soul — that exists there. When we’re alive on Earth, we also exist here at the same time. But when you leave here, all you’re really leaving is a body. Your consciousness persists, and you’ll know this for sure after you’ve been communicating with spirits.

Your twin flame loves you very much. On a soul level, they want the best for you and they want you to love yourself. As humans, there’s all this mess preventing you from having spiritual clarity, but “up there” things make total sense.

After your twin flame has passed into the spirit world, you have a spirit guide that’s your ride-or-die. It’ll be hard for a while to see that this is a blessing, and on many days you’ll miss their physical form. But hopefully, you’ll eventually see the silver linings in this experience.

Just remember: everyone dies. We all die. We all have our time. There’s nothing to fear — it’s just a transition. A new beginning. When your twin flame dies, you will never be in doubt about these truths.

I wrote this for anyone who’s experienced this. You’re not crazy. You’re not alone, either. Friends, family, and therapists probably aren’t going to quite get what’s going on with you. This is why I started a twin flame support group. There are many others in your shoes who simply want someone to hear them out without thinking they’re crazy.

Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a twin flame coach and writer. I am also the author of Twin Flames and the Love Story Within, available on Amazon.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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