What Does Twin Flame Union Feel Like?
What Does Twin Flame Union Feel Like?

What Does Twin Flame Union Feel Like?

what does twin flame union feel like? It's like a completion.
Image credit: Canva

Existence is lonely. It feels like you’re always on an island facing the possibility of eternity in semi-confusion. Until your twin flame comes along, that is. Then you realize there’s someone out there who actually gets you. You realize that love is real and it can save your soul. What does twin flame union feel like? It feels like a completion of something.

I got to live in union with my twin flame. I had just about one month of bliss and happiness with him. And maybe that’s my allotment for my entire life. Just as things seemed to be starting with us, he passed away abruptly and nothing has been anywhere near the same since. But I try to stay grateful that I even got that short time with him.

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There are so many resources on the internet about twin flames but very few about how a real twin flame couple can feel together. So, I wanted to add some personal insights for the weary twin flamer who is searching for answers. I don’t know how he felt, and he is no longer here to tell his story, but I can tell my part of the story.

It Was Mostly Perfect

Being under the same roof with this person day after day felt so happy. It was almost perfect. We enjoyed things the same way and we enjoyed many of the same things, so it was very easy living together. We were there for each other.

Imagine being around someone who fully supports you as a human in every aspect. Imagine waking up feeling like the world makes total sense every day. This is how it was.

Things were just so good. Days just seemed to float by as we enjoyed every moment. There wasn’t a bit of friction between us when we were around each other.

I Could Fully Be Myself

I felt like my soul had come home. I had no fear of expressing my truth to this person. He seemed to always say just what I needed to hear and I felt as if I could say anything to him.

I didn’t know that love could be this good. But it was more than romantic love — it was a feeling of deep friendship. This person is my cosmic best friend.

Having the ability to express your authentic self freely is no small thing. It’s a gift. I have many true friends in my life, but my twin flame was someone who really got me like no one else.

It Had Its Challenges

It wasn’t totally perfect all of the time. It had its challenges. The twin flame experience always pushes your limits. It pushes your buttons.

Sometimes I felt strange pressures of anxiety that were out of nowhere. I sometimes felt dizzy or emotional for no apparent reason. I think I was picking up on the intense energy field that was activated by our cohabitation. I also felt worried when he wasn’t around for a short time. It was still mentally and emotionally taxing.

It won’t ever be perfect. As humans, we can’t be perfect; it’s not possible. There will always be stressors.

It May Not Be Meant to Last

I don’t have all the answers. Are twin flames meant to be together? Do they always come into union? What’s the point unless they’re going to find their way to be together happily ever after? I just don’t know.

I think the point of all of this is to learn soul lessons. We have to learn what love means. Love is all that matters, and sometimes we only truly feel it by losing it.

So, I can’t tell you what is going to happen with you and your twin flame or with all the twin flames in the world. I don’t think anyone knows.

All you can try to do is heal and be a better person for yourself. It may or may not attract the people that you need into your life. All you can really control is yourself. You can be complete without anyone else.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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