What Are Limiting Beliefs?
What Are Limiting Beliefs?

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

what are limiting beliefs?
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What are limiting beliefs? We all have ideas about what is possible for us in this lifetime. We think we know what we deserve and that there are certain things we want but may never have. But these are all illusions. You have infinite potential. Your mind is all that is holding you back.

To break through your beliefs about what’s possible and what you deserve, you have to eliminate the beliefs in your mind that limit you. You have all kinds of negative thoughts in your mind that may have been put there by other people. You adopted them because you didn’t know any better — you absorb the energy and advice of others. Maybe you grew up in an environment where what’s possible and what’s impossible are widely known and can’t be argued with easily.

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But you can remove your limiting belief system and choose your own perspective whenever you want.

You can choose to believe in miracles. You can choose to believe that you will have all the things you desire. You can choose to believe you deserve all the same things that others have. There is no one controlling your mind except you.

The Boundaries You Must Learn to Cross

Your limiting beliefs dictate what you deserve. They provide parameters and boundaries that you can not cross. It is very unusual for you to manifest something in your life that you always believed you couldn’t have. The beliefs you’ve adopted draw lines that you cannot cross. So you have to learn to create new beliefs and re-program yourself.

My parents have a dog. She’s a Havanese. Her legs are just a couple of inches long. She can both climb and descend most staircases, even ones that she hasn’t seen before. But for some reason, she has never even tried to descend their basement staircase. Her limiting beliefs prevent her from doing something she is fully able to do.

From when she was a puppy, the basement just wasn’t part of her world. She will stand at the top of the staircase and whine when I go down there and wait for me until I come up. She could physically go down the steps any time she wanted, but she won’t. Her mind won’t allow her to cross that line. It’s illogical.

She has the limiting belief that she can’t descend that particular staircase, and she probably never will unless someone shows her it’s possible. (My parents are content with her not going down there so it works very well for them.) Something has to switch in her mind to make the impossible possible. And that’s exactly what you need to do about everything you believe to be impossible.

You have to switch something in your mind and cause an awakening that allows you to believe in what you deem impossible.

Re-Programming Yourself

To re-program your mind, you have to go deep. Many of your limiting beliefs are ingrained in your conscious and even subconscious mind. Paramahansa Yogananda described a further “superconscious” mind at the soul level that needs to be reached for us to truly re-program ourselves.

So, we have to reach all levels of consciousness for the beliefs to truly be altered and the limitations to be removed. This is not an easy task in the slightest. Even being vigilant of your conscious thoughts is very difficult, because negative beliefs creep in all the time. Conditioning and training your own mind to stay positive and hopeful is a feat. So, how can we even begin to reach and change our other levels of consciousness?

Training the Subconscious Mind

The only way I see to do this is to start by training the conscious mind. Repeat to yourself the things that you deserve and what’s possible. Affirm it regularly. Tell yourself that you already have those things and then embody that feeling.

When you embody the energy of the person who has those things already, you will start to teach your subconscious mind. You’ll start to see it work very quickly — as you truly exude the energy of what you desire and believe you deserve, things in your life will change for the better.

You have to become the person who already has the things you want to start the shift in your subconscious.

You can’t let fear and worry get to you. Stress and anxiety must be kept at bay. In the beginning, it’s a constant struggle to re-program your mind to stop thinking in terms of “what if”, “but”, and “can’t”. You have to stop complaining and be grateful, too. And stop listening to people who tell you why something won’t work, why the future is bleak, or why there is no more love left in the world — they may seem to have good intentions, but you can’t be around this energy anymore because you will absorb it.

There’s no way around this. If you choose to keep thinking negatively and complain about what you don’t have, you’ll only keep programming your mind to think that the world is an unfair and limiting place.

Don’t limit yourself, please. Show the world that you are expansive and that hope is transformative!

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Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

About Emily

I’m a spiritual coach, meditation instructor, tarot reader & psychic, and twin flame expert. I also love occult books and I nerd out on ancient mysteries.

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