Emily Wellness and Oneness
Free Weekly Tarot Reading

Free Weekly Tarot Reading

Your weekly tarot reading from Emily:

Week Ahead Card Reading for September 16th to 22nd, 2024

Theme: being forced to let go

We’re facing a lunar eclipse and an equinox this week. These astrological events usually indicate massive shifts and opportunities for growth. What’s in store for the collective?

We’re being called to let go of what we’re hanging onto and to be less stubborn. Let the past be in the past. If you have felt lately like you’re stuck in a cycle, it’s time to take the initiative to release it. Get off the hamster wheel. Make the decision now — don’t wait for the universe to make it so uncomfortable that you have no choice left. (Cards: 4 of pentacles reversed, 7 of swords reversed)

Allow the universe to guide you where you need to go by releasing control. It’s very hard for most humans to admit that they don’t have control over the course of their lives, but now is to time to try to embrace that idea. You are on a ride, being guided by unseen forces. Just enjoy it and don’t try to be in the driver’s seat right now. (Card: The Guide)

Beware of taking on lifestyle habits that may be ruining you — don’t become the lazy or unappealing people you have been trying to avoid. You may have let yourself slip lately in your diet, exercise routine, or spiritual practices. Now is the time for more self-awareness so that you can become a healthier and better version of yourself. (Card: Skunk Ape)

I leave this reading with you in hopes that it brings clarity, healing, and awakenings.

Watch this reading in my 60-second Tik Tok or my live Instagram reading

The decks I used: Rider-Waite Tarot, Citadel Oracle, The Charming Cryptids Oracle

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Tarot Readings

Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your spiritual journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

Back to Basics Meditation Course

A beginner’s online meditation course to help you find inner peace and understand higher states of consciousness. Learn to use a personal mantra with Emily in this course that has helped many people establish a meditation practice.

About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.