The Perfectly Happy App Helps You Create Effective Vision Boards
The Perfectly Happy App Helps You Create Effective Vision Boards

The Perfectly Happy App Helps You Create Effective Vision Boards

Image Credit: Canva

I recently downloaded the Perfectly Happy app. I was looking for ways to set intentions and raise my vibration. I want to create a new life full of positive affirmations and a mindset of abundance, and the Perfectly Happy app lets me do this with ease.

You can manifest your dreams. It’s all about embracing the law of attraction and the fact that your mind creates your reality. Inner positivity, joy, and hope create more of it in your life because like attracts like. The energy you embody will meet with more of the same energy in your environment.

I’ve manifested my desires many times using affirmations and positive thinking. When I change the contents of my mind intentionally, things begin to change for the better. Setting intentions is a key step in the process of achieving happiness and success, whatever that looks like for you.

Vision boards are incredible tools for setting intentions. From personal experience, I can tell you that vision boards work to change your life. Over the past few years, I’ve made several vision boards, and the concepts I put into them have manifested for me. It’s crazy to think that a visual collage of intentions and desires can create your world, but I assure you, manifestation is real because I’ve experienced it myself.

When we put our deepest desires out into the universe, they will find a way to be organized for us. It does take some patience, for great change doesn’t happen overnight, but for me, I’ve seen my vision board intentions manifest in a few months from when I started.

The problem for most people is that they don’t believe that their life can be better, or they allow negative and fearful thinking to overshadow their intentions, or they lose focus and their intentions get scattered. You have to define what you want, visualize it, write it down, say it out loud, and then send it into the universe with faith.

This is why the Perfectly Happy app is such a great addition to your spiritual practice. It helps you set intentions, keep thinking positively through affirmations, and it builds a vision board with your preferences.

Some of us aren’t as creative as others and don’t have the time to make a vision board from scratch. Perfectly Happy makes it effortless to choose images, affirmations, and intentions that will be put together for you as a vision board. Then, the app reminds you throughout the day to set these intentions and keep them top of your mind. It also lets you reflect and journal about your journey.

Here, I’ll explain the importance of the different components of a vision board in the journey of manifestation: visuals, affirmations, and journaling.


An important aspect of any vision board is the images in it. Visuals are beyond any language or words and speak to the soul in a different way. They represent concepts and energy. In a vision board, they add a dimension of imagery to your intentions, which creates an extra layer of focus.

As part of any vision board, a collection of images will help you set not only conceptual intentions but also visuals that help the manifestation process with specifics.

The Perfectly Happy app is so useful because it makes choosing images easy. It has a pre-populated library of positive and uplifting images to import to your vision board, and this makes it quick and easy to create something powerful to transform your mindset — and your reality.

Perfectly Happy offers its users a really seamless way to create a vision board. In the app, a video is created from your selections that also includes affirmations and sounds. This dynamic vision board is very unique.

A screenshot of the Perfectly Happy app


When we say something out loud, we are sending vibrations from our voice — creations coming from our inner power — that can shape our reality.

The universe is made up of vibrations, so when we create our own, we are contributing to the building blocks of existence. This is why affirmations are so important. Hearing the vibration of an affirmation is just as powerful. It shapes the energy of our thoughts and the topography of our minds.

The Perfectly Happy app gives you a selection of affirmations to add to your vision board. The thing I love the most about this app is that it sends you push notifications throughout the day with positive affirmations so you’ll always be reminded. It’s uplifting to see these affirmations on my phone screen, bringing higher vibrations into my thoughts as I am living my life.

A screenshot of the Perfectly Happy app


When you write down your current thoughts and feelings, it’s a form of self-healing. You are putting attention on yourself and tending to your own well-being by writing out your thoughts. Focusing your energy and effort on inner thoughts is really important for manifestation. Self-awareness is a big part of any spiritual journey.

While journaling, you can sometimes come to conclusions that you wouldn’t normally be able to, and the act of writing down your thoughts without the fear of judgment helps remove blockages and aid in the processing of your problems.

The Perfectly Happy app will give you a chance to record your feelings daily in the app’s journal. You are prompted to enter what you’re grateful for as well as your mood. The act of doing this is so healing because it allows you to understand and track your feelings from day to day. You will begin to realize how gratitude is transformational to your mindset.

A screenshot of the Perfectly Happy app

Staying Mindful of Your Mindset

Remember that the most powerful forces you can wield are gratitude, compassion, and love. When you keep your mind within the realm of these concepts, you are vibing high and you’ll see things start to change pretty quickly. Life becomes a pleasure and you will attract more good things into it.

Vision boards, affirmations, and journaling are all important parts of changing your mindset.

Your intentions matter. Your inner dialogue matters. The mind is energy that creates your world, so make sure you’re putting good things into it. Take advantage of tools such as the Perfectly Happy app that can help you along this journey.

Hi, I’m Emily. In addition to writing, I also teach meditation, read tarot, create podcasts, and I’m a spiritual coach. For more about me, have a look at my about page. The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

This article is branded content in collaboration with Perfectly Happy.

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